Edit :[[Filtered from Luca]]
If I never sing again, it'll be too soon. I think I went squirrelly halfway through...
you know the name. adrastus.
adrastus does not change. maemi. pet me.
where memories go. [in the melting pot]
no more than given. no more than due.
[we owe nothing] due. they pay adrastus.
felt the beat. siran. pick the brush.
we hear it. know. sent for us.
give. give. they give.
here. looking. where go beat?(in regards to a post about someone dying)
old gods die. all gods die.
was beat. no more beat. where.
take. take.
all here.
[Who is all here?] All the beats
still enough time to feel it the beat
adrastus. do not want. waste your name.
[fluffy the trash collector] within nature of adrastus
[X-rated holocaust clatters?] with a pinch of brass
keep within reach. siran.
and siran has no more time
know all names.
[Adrastus a healer?] more of a painter really
we are painting now. strings. adrastus duty.
adratus. no beat.
indirect questions are still questions. due is due. pay.
your companion for nineteen days. (someone's soul)
due as due. no more. no less. tried to use adrastus
due is due. such is our duty.
do not listen.(to the beat? told to displaced soul)
[you may ask questions freely, but we may not] adrastus pay for questions
[Yes, it seems we are to pay for the questions we ask you, but the same does not go in reverse.] adrastus is paying
[You may be paying someone else, but I don't see how you paid me for my answer.] renewed your name riou
[should hope that's a good thing then.] it is what you are due.
only kill pays for kill
doggy taking its sweet time. kitty paints another rhyme. claw your eyes with turpentine. tick to eighteen.
[dont' have a name] then you are hers
[The City spins around
You're the only one
who knows, you slow it down](Siran)
siran. she comes. [They'll all get sent at this rate, no? I try.]
[You're still a dog.] only for you
my kitty is over the city
my kitty is over the sea
my kitty is over the city
oh bring back my beat to me
[And you should have finished by now.] adrastus pays delay.
[It's hardly as if I've prevented you, darling puppy. Any and all failures are on your part.] kitty not as forgiving. city changing names.
[As if I'd forgotten the precious kitten's purpose or nature.
You'll leave them all hanging for a change.](Siran)
name does not matter for wayangpusa.
no feeding wayangpusa due
[interesting friend/cat] adrastus no friends
[by choice?] no friends by lack of feeling. not within nature of adrastus. only beats.
path is set. pay.
adrastus paid. renewed your name.
it was due to. just as your eye is due to adrastus.
give no more than due. take no more than due.
has asked adrastus answers.
pay or wayangpusa collects.
[trade for eye] and is due another question.
no. the eye for questions. in so far asked. the questions for friend.
in the past. you have asked. due is due.
not the choice of adrastus. pay.
tired. beat. not long now.
[...found out that any question, even one that is not worth while, will get something important taken.] wrong. asked at least six questions.
And the kitty...
(refuse to pay adrastus)in wrrrriting?
With milk mrrrrrrr...
[Milk for answers.] Sautée.
[[filtered from dieties, doggy, and kitty]]
Considering recent developments, it seemed prudent to post this again. The first half can be seen
HERE. So it seems in exchange for my answer, my name was renewed. (Was King's name not renewed then?) Doumeki's name was also renewed. (What does renewing do?) Apparently the doggy has no beat and collects "trash" according to the deities. (And it's duty is to paint strings.) And someone who has no name "belongs to her" (the kitty?)
Someone's presence is slowing down the city. (Slowing the countdown? Messing it up?) Could be doggy, kitty, or people with no beat. All the 'beats' are in the city.
WARNING! Adrastus seems to be demanding his due if you ask any questions, direct or indirect, even before the answer is given. If you refuse, it's the cat you'll have to pay. (Pay what?) He may also be collecting backpayment on past questions as well. (Adrastus also mentioned demanding payment after six questions asked, so there may be a threshold before payment is due?)
Adrastus' trades are also counting down to May 3rd(ish?) -- 21 days for the first person who bartered their voice away a few days ago, 18 days for the trade yesterday, 17 for a trade today. This coincides with the 'tick 18' from one of the mysterious messages.
[[OOC : Should probably post this now while I have the chance. Riou will be a blue dragon spouting water instead of fire for Name Definition Day and thus without internet access. Feel free to see him in Xanadu, poised atop the deities office, or otherwise careening around the city that day.]]