Lesson of the Day : Make Very Sure You're Unaffected Before Posting to the Network

Dec 04, 2008 16:40

Things That Won't Get You Out of the City
  • Dropkicking a dwarf
  • Balancing on six feet of couch cushions
  • Following crazy advice from crazy cursed people (finding a pattern here?)
  • Jumping into the fountain when it's beer
  • --- wait, what??

Dear Santa,

Things I Want for Christmas
  • An unbreakable tablet
  • For my weapon rune to be unsealed
  • A way out for everyone who wants out
  • A way back for everyone who wants in
  • The safety of Nanami & Jowy & everyone else
  • Peace in my country and everyone else's too
  • Mild curses
  • For my cat to stop chewing me up on curse days
  • For my squirrel to stop being traumatized of me
  • To find my purpose
  • To have a purpose
  • To stop finding those books in the library
  • A pony
  • Most impossible important of all, to live in North Window Castle with Nanami & Jowy and be able to visit old friend in new countries and worlds
  • Edit A tablet that lets me delete cursed entries during the curse!

Status Update
Tablets Broken : 85
Times Fallen Into Fountain : 9
Visions in Fountain : Remaining stable
Found at Library : ....

curse, finding ways out, affected, dear santa, exits, aftermath, fourth wall curse

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