Lesson of the Day : A Filter Between Mind & Mouth is a Good Thing

Mar 13, 2008 00:16

Edit : Consider Entire Entry Now Deleted

Well, now I can unequivocally say that there are no trees in the southwest forest with green ribbons tied around them. Which still rather beats having all the trees there tied in green ribbons. So no pimpslapping trees or dropkicking gnomes for me this time. I don't know if I'm more relieved or disappointed. I think I'll just go with embarassed. At least I didn't post my undying love to Jowy on the network in great big sparkly blinking text like that other cursed visitor wanted! What would have been even more fantastic is if I had posted that message and he had come back like during the previous curse. Because obviously I haven't freaked him out enough during that love curse. Or that reversal curse where I tried to kill him. Although really, turnaround should be fair play. I ought to be really glad he's not here and not miss him as much as I do.

I've often wondered how most of the people here don't really seem to care about researching this place or ways out of it. Were they the ones being foolish or was it me for bashing my head against these things? After that wild goose chase, I think we can safely say I'm in the lead for that particular race.

I still really wish someone else would do these things, though. It's not just that I'm particularly lazy and just step up when there's no one else more suitable, but... I really have no clue what the hell I'm doing. I've gotten pretty good at faking it since the start of the war, but if it's up to me to find a way out of the city for everyone or something such? We'd better all start preparing old age homes while we're here.

Which brings up the point that while I was off on my five hundred ninety ninth fruitless quest for a way out, Autor somehow managed to find a way out. And he didn't want to leave. The city remains as aggravatingly contradictory as ever, it seems. Jeane also seems to have left, but she's come and gone before. We'll have to ration our spell scrolls much more tightly with her gone, however. Which means no more Kindness Drops just because I have a cursed hangover. Once again, thank you so much, city.

At least it's been relatively quiet lately with rather mild curses and we seem to be recruiting more members for the city watch. I thought I was going to asphyxiate-- latest finding at the library, medical dictionary. Should I be more alarmed? I wish I could force myself through more than the A's without my eyes crossing. At least it beats all the porn, which I don't really mind as much as I may fuss, if it didn't feel so much like someone's great joke on me-- when all those members left at once, especially Commander Vimes and Deitrich. Although with as shady as the surrounding circumstances were, maybe we're better off without Deitrich, losing his network or not.

And I was originally only supposed to be back-up for when heavy magic was required! How did I end up on active patrol? Talk about not knowing what I'm doing! Peacekeeping comes easily enough considering my experience in the Unicorn Brigade and commanding the New Alliance Army, but filling in for the detectives? I'm no detecti-- what the hell am I saying?! And it won't delete of course...

Ah, just long boring rambling, nothing to see here. Not like I revealed anything I'd wanted to keep under my hat, like that entire Lord Commander thing. Not that anyone here would be interested in that anyway! Yeah... la la la, nothing to see here...

. . .

. . . . it seems it's the men's turn.

vimes, finding a way out, nothing to see here, exits, autor, men's mental machinations, i don't whine this much normally really, jeane, porn, filter = off, fourth wall aftermath, library, deitrich, tldr, curse, affected, someone shut me up plz, city watch, let the bitching commence

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