Lesson of the Day : Maybe Amnesia Isn't So Bad Afterall...

Feb 18, 2008 19:58

[[EDIT : Consider the entire menage a trois debacle conversation now filtered from public eyes.]]

. . . . . I do so enjoy making a public fool of myself. But I suppose it could be worse. Speaking of which, does anyone know the real name of that story the city was reinacting during that sword curse? Because going around to the various vendors asking for "that story where everyone runs around chopping each other's heads off" isn't quite cutting it.

Which also brings up... are there any other weapons etc suitable for taking down someone without overly hurting them? Besides the Wind of Sleep scrolls, that is. They seem to be working very well in the City, but I can't help worrying. I never used them much in battle back home because they failed so often...

EDIT : And I shouldn't ask. I know I really shouldn't ask. Especially with the bizarre thought processes I was having yesterday, but... . . . ah, could anyone tell me what 'menage a trois' means? I knew I shouldn't have asked.

. . . . . . I take it everything turned out all right after midnight?

Damn, this is late to be filing this, but in-between all the curses and... I know everyone is extremely busy with the recent arrests, but I have a few updates to some of the older cases. The latest target of X, the box murderer, appears to be Kisara, which is probably backed up by the tests run on the box. Unfortunately, I was unable to really gather much further information from her.

Also, confirmation that Sandalphon did indeed kidnap Sakura way back during the body switching curse, even if he did release her before the rescue attempt got off the ground.

Did anyone ever follow up on this, or the Legato case, or whatever this guy is going on about now?

menage a trois lulz, curse aftermath, days of our young & restless passions, case overload ftw, city watch, ahiru, strikes = not there, soap opera curse

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