
Aug 20, 2012 19:00

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monstersinyou August 20 2012, 23:00:15 UTC
Congratulations on hitting the 50-member-mark! :D And thanks for taking requests or whatever this is. :D
Here are some Leverage screencaps, which I hope you'll like.


Fixed the error.


spg_spn_girls August 22 2012, 11:42:48 UTC
Thank you! I'll see what I can do with them :) This community will be not only a graphic community, but also related to my photography, music I love, movies I like, and fashion aswell. In your opinion, by being a member of bright_powder what will you be following? :)


monstersinyou August 22 2012, 15:38:01 UTC
I have to thank you for taking requests! :)

I am definitely going to follow anything graphic-related and most certainly music, too. As for your photography posts, I'll try to check out as many as I can, but I might not always find words to form a comment because I'm just not a pro and I hate giving comments like "Oh, I really like this one." without saying why I like it (blame my need to explain why I find something beautiful on my Arts teacher). I'll also try to check out your fashion posts, but that's not going to happen as frequently as the graphics posts since I'm not that interest in fashion.
But whatever you decide to post, I'll try to follow as much as possible! :)

By the way, I LOVE your muted coloring and your banners! They look incredibly amazing. And the fonts you're using for the banners are just lovely, too. May I ask which ones you used? :)


spg_spn_girls August 22 2012, 16:02:33 UTC
You're welcome :D It's my small contribute for those who follow!
No worries at all if you don't see all my posts!! I just wanted to know which followers of the community would be interessed in what haha So no problem if you don't comment or check them all :) And I agree, if you really like something you should know why, and if you don't like well.. you're not obliged to say anything you won't agree on :)

Thank you!! The big letter on the beginning is "Before the Rain" and the others are "Alien League", fyi this is the first time I used them on a graphic, and they were the first ones I ever downloaded! lol


monstersinyou August 22 2012, 20:15:15 UTC
It's a good thing to ask your members and watchers what they'd like to see, but if there's anything you really want to show them/us, you should no matter if we all will approve of it or not. This is your place and having a community for your own means you can share what you like.
I should probably put up a poll or something myself since I've mostly been posting Leverage icons lately. I just can't get enough of that show, haha. :D

As for the fonts, you should totally check some others out, too. There are so many awesome fonts to use in icons, it's incredible!

Oh and your icon looks fantastic. I really like how you're doing this pale coloring. A tutorial (or a PSD) on that would definitely be something I'd follow, haha. :D


spg_spn_girls August 22 2012, 21:22:31 UTC
My only intent was to ask, of course I'll keep posting them, even if no one comments haha What makes me happy it's the posting time, of course the comments make me happy aswell, but I can live without them ;)

This is the most recent icon i've made with text, still i'm not sure of it, I always think there are some beautifull icons out there with text, and I just haven't really step up to that, but I'll manage my own text haha :D

Really? I made it like 3 hours ago LOL I'll definetly keep a tutorial/ psd post in my mind for the next month, I was already thnking of it anyway ;)


monstersinyou August 22 2012, 22:15:08 UTC
Yeah, sure. Just keep posting whatever you want. :) I usually really like the feeling of posting something as well, the posting time as you said and being all excited when a new post comes up on the page. But I'm also always looking forward to getting comments, not to actually get them and make like 200 in order to feel or be popular, but to see what other people think. I'm not seeking for the compliments or anything, I want to improve and I want people to be honest with what styles they like as to some extent those likes might define what I'm about to do next time. Does that make sense?! :D ( ... )


spg_spn_girls August 22 2012, 22:45:23 UTC
loool it does make sense!! I usually wonder why people don't comment, and I keep thinking "they don't have the time" instead of "they don't like it". Not wanting to judge anyone on lj, I think that comments are made by friendship, and not.. the real opinion, I have a few friends on lj not much, I think they do like my stuff, but it's like 4-6 people or less LOL I love when people say " i like ? icon because ??? it is really well done" or something like that instead of " great post. ", it makes me wonder, did you said that just for saying or.. do you really really like everything?!

I actually asked for advice on to put texting on that lol So it wasn't interely my credit xD

I'll try to see them as fast as I can :D I'm not really confortable on writing tutorials, my english is kinda... ruff 'cause its my first language, I feel like on tutorials I always say the same stuff on each step xD


monstersinyou August 23 2012, 09:09:47 UTC
I know, I know. Comments that obviously show that their writer took some time and cared about commenting on details, particular icons, colorings, texture use etc. are much more valuable because you can actually learn something from those comments. I don't usually wonder whether they really like my stuff when simply writing "Great post" because I assume that they wouldn't comment at all if they didn't like it, you know?

It's okay to ask for advice, but I promise if you experiment with text (even if not every icon might look as great as others), you'll definitely improve! I mean, with icon making and all the changing trends, we always learn, right? :)

No, don't worry about your English. It's great! I think it's always amazing how well people who are not native speakers can speak a language and how fast they learn. Besides, everyone makes mistakes. That's absolutely alright. And practice makes perfect, doesn't it? :)


spg_spn_girls August 23 2012, 10:21:03 UTC
Well yeah at least they made the comment and said they liked it, rather than viewing the post and just.. take stuff and leave without commenting lol I mean, I had a counter on one of my posts, and I had like 20 comments and +50 views (lol)

That's true, at least i'm trying some new stuff out xD I ocasionally try text, but I think i'm more into focusing on color and crop instead of text :)

Really my english is good? :D It's great to know that :3 Yeah I'll definetly have more practice with that, so I'll probably try it out :3

What a great conversation we're having here lol


monstersinyou August 23 2012, 11:19:31 UTC
True. I mean, a lot of people, including myself, put up some rules in their batches and ask people to comment if they snag something, but a lot of people just don't. It's frustrating to see someone use your stuff without having the second to tell you "Hey, I liked your icons. I'm gonna use some.", but at least they give credit. Ah well, it'd just be nice to get such comments because I like wishing people fun using the icons just like I enjoy using icons I snagged from other people ( ... )


spg_spn_girls August 23 2012, 11:39:40 UTC
I specifically ask on my posts that people on FANPOP do nooooot post my stuff over there and they keep doing it, I considering in making an account just to report them, 'cause they keep adding them even without credit. If they credit, it's like.. "well you could have said something" but at least they credit, but when they don't that just makes me mad -.- I love when someone praise my icon, I feel like they are really good to that point lol I was able to put one lol but I searched for so long until one worked ( ... )


monstersinyou August 23 2012, 11:59:39 UTC
I guess the thing is that you can't really stop anyone from taking your stuff and posting it somewhere else unless they're really the sweetest person in the world respecting you for what you want and don't want to be done with your graphics. I've just checked Fanpop and found a bunch of my latest Leverage icons there. I was credited for making them, so at least everyone else knows that I am the original maker of these icons, but nevertheless being asked whether they can be uploaded at website other than LJ would be nice. Not being credited for your stuff, however, sucks.
And gosh, how annoying is that stupid commercial that always pops up on the bottom of the page?!
Those people should just join LJ - they could actually use the icons here, instead of just showing stuff that's not their own ( ... )


spg_spn_girls August 23 2012, 18:27:44 UTC
lol I just now made a fanpop account and sent a message to the person and I was banner for not.. doing something nevermind haha I'll post about it on the next icons post so the person would know :) Even if they dont join they are able to make anonymous comments..

I only made one 20in20 and it was of The Borgias on the last 20in20 inspiration or whatever, it was their last challenge and my first LOL you should make random icons, at least I do :) Or provide yourself some themes :D

Btw just got to 50 icons for my next post and i'll not start the spam ones :D


monstersinyou August 24 2012, 14:24:30 UTC
Sometimes I wonder if making a community members only would stop them from doing all that. I mean, right now they can just view our posts and take whatever they want without letting us know. If the communities, however, were members only, they'd have to join.
But I guess I just don't like the idea of having a members-only-community.

I know I should and I really want to, but everytime I'm about to start to just make random icons, I can't figure out of what show, characters, celebrity or musician they should be. Damn, I need my 20in20s. :D

Whoopie! I can't wait to see another batch. May it be including the spam icons or not, I don't care! :)


spg_spn_girls August 24 2012, 18:30:37 UTC
Thats the reason I have my photography over the community members only, 'cause I really care more about my photos than my icons lol

lol then make 20in20 icons! I mean, I usually only make icons of what I know xD

I did some not much from the spam though :/


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