Jan 25, 2005 22:24
new classes wooop! I LOVE BEING A JUNIOR. ive already done all my required classes .. im done with math forever and this is my last science course. oh shiittt!! so my 4 classes: entrepreneurship ... obviously cant spell it. dont know too many kids in that class but we get to go to NYC so thats good times :D .. spanish 4 = a joke. me lauren flechsig and cody burgess <3 haha flo 'quien es tu papa?' -- thats all lauren remembers. graphics 1 - amazing. im so excited. 26 kids in the class. chem .. amazing also. angela king, jamie cambell, bobby, keegan, fucking hot shit such good kids in that class. LUNCH is good times! <3333 me, katie finn, laneyney, jenn, angela, katie, kev occasionally, and some cool kids! my bro sits with henry! aww how cute. henry gave me and alex hugs today <3 what a cutie patootie! :D <3