Christmas Gift Drabble - Darn Those Confused Fates

Dec 11, 2007 13:00

Title: Darn Those Confused Fates

Giftee:  micheypoo

Pairing: Harry/Draco, implied Draco/Crabbe
Word Count: 306
Rating: G but lets put PG just in case
Prompt(s): "Crabbe jealous of Potter and Malfoy, Nearly Headless Nick, Great Hall, Sweet potato and fried chicken " I tried!
Summary: Fates can be oh so cruel
Disclaimer: The characters all belong to JK Rowling not me.
Warning(s): Slash, Destruction of meat pies

The Slytherin table stared in mingled amusement and irritation as Nearly Headless Nick started swooping through the table with his mouth open in an attempt to taste the mince pies.

"Why don't you go ask the house elves to make you a death day feast and stop ruining our dinner" Crabbe yelled at Nick while glowering at Harry Potter who seemed to suddenly have a huge interest in the Slytherin table. In his side of the Slytherin table to be more precise, and if you wanted to pinpoint it exactly, it would be the blonde haired beauty next to him who was currently smirking back at the Gryffindor table.

"My boy there's nothing as good as fresh mince pies. That's the food I miss the most such a tragedy and such a temptation. You know..." Nearly Headless Nick hovered opposite Crabbe partially obscuring his view of Potter and whispered, "It was really the mince pies that did me in...oh if I never stopped to grab one on my way out they would have never caught me. Alas!"

“Well here you go, maybe it will work better the second time “, in irritation Crabbe picked up a mince pie and flung it at Nick. Although, too preoccupied with Malfoy and Potter, it failed to occur to him that Nick being a ghost the pie went straight through him with unerring accuracy towards Potter’s face.

A hush fell across the hall as Potter sat with mince pie decorating his head like a gaudy hat.

Crabbe turned to see Draco staring at him with fury and groaned as he realised that while for the first time he finally got Draco to really look at him, it wasn’t anger that he wanted to see in those silver eyes.

Sometimes...the fates got really confused and mixed up your wishes he decided as he contemplated the unlikely plate of sweet potato and fried chicken in front of him.

harry/draco, draco?/crabbe, slash

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