Looking at my Council Tax bill after they recalculated it since Suzana moved out (i.e., 25% student discount goes to 25% single occupier discount), I wonder at the instalment details they have managed to calculate.
My council tax is £1,221.96 * 0.75 = £917.31 each year (yes, it should be £916.47, but i think they've charged me full tax for one day of the year).
I've apparently paid off £272.47 of that up until this month, and I've noticed that they took a whole £344.22 out earlier this month in addition. That means I've paid a total of £616.69 this year (April to September, or half the year - the figure should be £460 if payments were evenly spread out). I should only have another £300.62 to pay, right? £50.10 a month for the remaining 6 months.
So I look at their calculated details for paying by direct debit ... October - £113.09, November, December, January, February - £115.00 each. If I paid all of that, I'd be paying £1159.78 for a Council Tax bill of £913.96! How does that work?
P.S. This is my first post using the "Post Blog Entry" feature of Ubuntu Linux. I wonder if it will work!