Dec 24, 2004 01:08
For God so loved the world that He gave His only son
I love you I love you I love you...
I love the way the waves crash on the sea..
I love the scent on your neck..
I love BIG BOY..
I love you ...
I love you...
But I do!I really do...I love people so much and I wish people could understand that!That sthis love os lov ethat comes from deep inside, its not love that easilty love runs deep even though people only see it seep...cause it seems to seep a seems as though I love to leave seems as though I love to hurt seems as though I love to confuse people and take then through seems as though people dont know I love!I love and I feel and I hurt and it pains...yes it pains..but I live...I love again...I stand up and I cover all the love I feel...I stand hardcore and ready for the next challenge... it seems like I dont see how others seems like I dont care... but how do I care?How do I undo what is done?How do I explain how I feel?How do I justify?Do I need to?do I know my heart?Who needs to know my heart?Who needs to know how I love?
I feel like I care too much about people, always looking out for them and trying to make everyone happy, but then I end up hurting everyone and making peoples live miserable and confused and I walk away seeming like all is good!I cant take the way people assume things and the way people think they know who you are and think they understand you and think that ....thinking....I dont want any more of it!
I know I have left the Lord this year and done my own thing, but I know I need Him now more than ever!I know I cannot do anything without Him and even though I have betrayed Him, He has still honoured me so much!I cant begin to explain!
I hope and pray that the storm within each of us all wil again subside and peace will reign and Gods only son, the one son He knew would die was born!He came for ME!!!He cae for us, because HE LOVED! we love because He first loved US!we have the ability to love because HE LOVES US!
My new years resolution is o love with the LOVE of Christ ONLY ALWAYS!
HAPPY CHRISTMAS and may CHRIST really be the reason for celebration in all I do and in all I am!