Introspective Extroversion ...

Jan 12, 2004 00:52

Another year by .. another birth anniversary. More reminders of things past and things yet to come.

Where were you in years' past? Where will you be when the future comes? What kind of life have you realized, or are yet to achieve? One wonders in times such as these .. what the future holds. Wealth, prosperity, or, more likely, pain and misfortune?

I hold not pessimistic views of these things, merely realistic ones. Our generation is cursed with the lack of doing, the lack of achieving. Our wants are those that vary from instant to instant .. the next sweetness of our tooth, or our soul. The next present we receive, be it from fate's blessing on our luck, or a kind stranger dropping an untold and formerly hidden fortune in our lap.

Most of us yearn for better things, better opportunities, better (perceived) lives. But what are we doing to achieve these wants, other than looking to the unknown to satiate us? Are we honestly making headway to better ourselves and our situation in lifestyle, or merely passing the time until we have grown old, jaded, and disappointed in our lot in life?

I personally have worked hard in both my professional careers, as well as my education. And yet, I still seem to run into setbacks. I go to school and yet I feel as though I'm not learning anything I wish to pursue, or that which will not satiate what my desires crave as a way of life. I will readily admit the disasters of my own making, but what of those that are merely chance tumbling out of fortune?

How much of our future is truly our own making in this day and age? And how many stories of sadness are there, in light of all those involving success? And which stories will be sung of my life, as well as those that I cherish in it?
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