Mar 07, 2007 23:59
Well I got Salvatore to agree to goto Tekko. He's the one who's worked @ a bookstore as a second job to read all the manga. His knowledge seems almost encyclopedic to mine on the new anime. I've got him checking episodes of new stuff on line and he seems very happy with it. He knows an excellent amount of computer stuff also. He used to be tech support for "Erienet" when they existed. I think he could help any con he gets hooked on.
I talked to J.J. and he says the board now has to VOTE on comp passes for staffers. OUCH! I was told I was getting one when I was asked to join staff. I might have to pay for Sal as I already told him I'd let him use mine. He doesn't want to run a panel this year~ said he might when he's more comfortable w/ cons as he's never been to one. UGH. I hope this gets resolved soon as I don't want to miss out on a discount "pre-reg" date as I might have to pay for him.
Mel and I had Ben, Jim D.,and the rest of the crew over tonight for gaming. Fought our first 9 "Blight spawned" for this campaign. Interesting. Shay'Nir didn't take a hit of damage. Arrow plinking has its benefits. Managed 38 h.p. of damage by arrows in 1 attack also. Was kinda surprised @ that, but many arrows feat w/+1's and 2nd attack w/ unknown "Tingly" arrow per DM ended up having a fireball to it. Glad party members near the target got away. "Oops!" says the extra fluffy blonde half-elf. Playing her ditzy sometimes becomes fun.