Dec 11, 2009 16:41
A quick "thank you!" to those who sent me snowflakes. I thought I was being very clever, figuring out that for them to stay on your profile till the new year, I would wait until Dec 17th to send snowflakes to all of you. But since eljay had to take them down for comment spamming, I won't get to. =(
I've been going nuts this week trying to get the house ready for my parents' visit, getting a head start on baking, and getting less dreadfully behind on knitting projects that I'd meant to have finished by Christmas. Haven't even played WoW since the patch. At least my kitchen is done, though! Need to get full-spectrum bulbs to replace the cheap incandescents, though... it's very yellow in there right now.
Even during the holidays I try to make time to read f-list, generally by sacrificing some sleep since the only time I get to myself is when nobody else is awake! This will be my first Christmas with an iPhone and a Twitter account though, so it'll be interesting to see whether those drop by the wayside as well.
Usually this is where I'd gloat about our wonderful weather, but it's 40F (4.4C) out there! Bah! Going to draft Mom into helping me finally sew the lining for my knitted Coat of Fuzzy Warmth so I can actually wear it.
I hope you're all having as much fun as you can manage during this stressful time of year. Take a break; eat a cookie, knit something, watch one of the excellent movies that all seem to be coming out on DVD right now.