Over on
Ravelry I joined the Ravelympics for Team Austin, competing in the WIP Wrestling event. Mainly because my plan for the Olympics is to do lots of stained glass, and I didn't have time to commit to knitting a big, new project. So instead I'll try to finish
Fjörgyn, which I started in February right as it was warming up here. If I really do finish it in the next 17 days, I'll be able to send it to my seamstress aunt, have her line it for me, and be all set when cold weather gets here again in November. I've got both sleeves and the left front finished; I still need to make the right front, the back, block-and-seam it, then make the front edging and the hood. Eep!
I decided not to cast on the right front until I could sit down and watch the opening ceremony last night, even though the official start was something like 6am US time. (Sidebar: while I would never want to live in a communist country, damn can they do impressive stuff when millions of people are all forced willing to work together at it.)
Enter WoW raid night. Le sigh. Our guild was doing a catch-up raid to Kael'thas, and since I don't have the Vials of Eternity quest finished, I went. So this is my crappy progress photo from Day 1 of the Ravelympics... I didn't even finish the ribbing. =(
I'm going to try blogging a daily pic, more to keep myself honest than anything else. Feel free to skim if it starts getting boring for you. Stained glass pics will be Mon-Fri, since I do glass during the day when Mr. Brienze isn't home. Since I'll be so busy we're going to be eating out of the freezer for the next two weeks, so there may be interesting food photos at some point, too.
Hope all you Terminus folks are having a great time and not reading this cause you're too busy having fun!