Nov 06, 2008 19:29
In response to the Facebook group "Indiana Against the Freedom of Choice Act," I created the parody group, "Indiana for the War on Women." I then joined the orriginal group and posted this:
"*waves* Greetings, fellow black hats! If I may be so bold as to speak before being spoken to, I would like to commend your efforts in our War on Women. There are a lot of ungodly heathens out there, these "liberal" creatures, who wish to crush our efforts, who believe the health and freedom of a lowly woman is more important than the parasite in her abdomen that could potentially reach maturity and become a hearty meal for hungry god-fearing white men. It would be a great tragedy if the enemy prevailed. To strengthen support and broaden awareness of the core family value of the oppression of women, head on over to the group "Indiana for the War on Women." "Against" groups can be strong, but we feel that positive identification may be stronger.
May all your babies be gay. ^_^ Lots of love."
This is the response I found in my inbox from Dierdre, creator of "Indiana Against the Freedom of Choice Act."
"Subject Line: That is incredibly sick, hurtful, and not funny.
Brie, Do you understand what FOCA DOES? It overturns all state and local resrtrictions on abortion. It makes Partial Birth Abortion legal again. It means full term babies, otherwise healthy, can be killed in utero when they're OLDER then Ben was when he was born. It means Drs and Hospitals are FORCED to perform abortions, even against their beliefs.
It's about removing the chance to choose for life. It takes federal funding away from crisis pregnancy centers and provides taxpayer funsding for abortion.
It is pure evil, and I'm sorry you don't see that.
*raise eyebrow* I don't believe I've ever gotten "pure evil" before. I've already got the white cat. I guess I'd better start working on my evil laugh. *bwahaha, bwahahaha, bwahahaHAHAHAHAH!!!*
eating babies,
freedom of choice