Yes. I'm here.

May 15, 2012 16:25

Player Name: Arachnion
Character Name: Shoko Hazama
Source Canon: Fafner In The Azure
Community Tag: Shoko_Hazama
Notes: Shoko is very sickly, and is often bedridden. She can walk around for a little while a day, but heavy lifting is completely out of the question, and she cannot take care of herself-someone else has to cook her food, and she won't always be able to leave her room to get it at the cafeteria. This does not stop her from being a dangerous pilot, thanks to the whole mind-link thing that Fafners use for their control.

Background: Shoko's one of the children of Tatsumiya Island. So, up until about two months ago, she lived a happy life on a small island out in the middle of the pacific. Her physical condition kept her from most of the worries of highschool students, making life peaceful and quiet. Then, Festum attacked. That day, the illusion of peace around Tastumiya was shattered. It's now become clear that she lives on an island of peace in a world at war, and being the kind sort of person she is, she wants to help out. To that end, she's been trained as a Fafner pilot by Alvis. (Of course, she didn't really have a choice, but she volunteered, so...) Shoko will be assigned to the Chalice once her Fafner is complete, at which point she'll be helping out Kazuki with the whole general world-saving business.

Personality: Shoko's a kind and sweet girl, really. She likes it when everyone gets along, and is a sort of cheerleader for the Fafner Kids. Her frailty tends to make her a uniting force more in the "We need to make sure Shoko's okay" method. While she does need people to take care of her, Shoko isn't so frail on the emotional end of things. She doesn't like it when people lie to her to make her feel better, and is more than willing to risk her life to help make the world a better place. Deaths and other depressing moments will still get to her, but they don't really do too much to slow her down-she was perfectly happy going to the Alvis facility in the basement of Tatsumiya, when only a day or so before she had just seen people die for the first time and had the existence of Festum revealed to her. In combat is when Shoko's determination really gets to show itself. She's more than willing to take on a Festum in the Mark Sechs with nothing more than a knife and lady-balls the size of a small moon, if it means protecting her home. The girl's practically a Getter pilot when things get real.

Shoko doesn't like to trouble people with worrying about her, despite her illness. While she won't refuse help, she doesn't really like to ask other people for it.

She looks forward to getting better, but has the very real worry that her illness will never get better (it will not). Though it's not shown in the series, I imagine her to be the type that dislikes fighting other humans, but would do it if she had to in order to save her friends/family.

Somehow, Shoko is aware in the series that she and the other children of Tatsumiya are meant to fight in the Fafners, and that their parents are not their biological parents. Still, it doesn't really get her down. She's of the opinion that if it's their destiny to fight, then so be it-she'd just like to do it on her own terms, not when someone else tells her to go fight. The full extend of the genetic engineering program is unknown to her, I imagine-but she does know that she is adopted, and she is smart enough to figure out that Fafners were meant to be piloted by the kids of Tatsumiya. She's already accepted her role as a pilot, and is ready to fight to protect everyone else.

Lastly, Shoko has a crush on Kazuki. A very, very obvious crush, if you pay attention. Again, this doesn't get too much detail in the show, so personal interpretation follows. Shouko won't say she has a crush on Kazuki in those words, but a few little things might show it. She might leave arranged flowers for him in his room, and would try to spend time with him when she is well enough to walk around. Just...little tokens of affection, here and there. She can't cook, but if someone helped her, she might set aside some extra food just for him.

Capabilities and Resources: Despite her physical deficiencies, Shoko can pilot a Fafner. However, she's not a very good pilot-before showing up on the Chalice, she will have had no actual combat experience, and in practice her fighting style is the fairly newbish method of "throw everything I can at the bad guy until they stop moving". If she were piloting something like Mazinger Z, that might work, but it's not so good for a real pilot.

Robot Name: Fafner Mark Sechs
Robot Description: It's a Nothung-model Fafner. It's not much different from Kazuki's Mark Elf, but it can fly.
Its weapons are pretty standard Fafner things; It can use the railgun, Ruge Lances, Garm-44, Gegner beam weapon, etc. It comes pre-equipped with the Razing Cutter grappling hooks and the Mine Blade, a lame knife. The knife can reform if it's blade shatters, and those grappling hooks are also capable of delivering a nasty electric shock.

Its flight is probably its most notable ability; the Mark Sechs is able to actually drag an Sphinx C-type Festum through the air, getting it away from the island. It can keep up with the Lindwurm just fine, and doesn't need any sort of support unit for continuous flight.

Like all the Fafners, the pilot feels some of the pain of their machine as it receives damage. This can be reduced through the  use of Soushi's Seigfried system, and the piloting suits that come with the machines. (The girl ones are pink.) It's also got the Fenrir system, which is a fancy name for "gigantic self-destruct explosion."

Terrain Stats:
Land: A 
Air: A
Sea: D
Space: ???

Job: Fafner pilot.
Sample Post: Right over here.
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