May 23, 2005 13:00
Today is Monday May 23, 2005 we technically only have eight days left of school one of those days is a half of a day on Friday , and three of those days is finals and one of those days is marching practice, who knew that we would be done this soon, looking back on it it seems as though school started a month or two ago.... I can not wait to see my dad on June 5 for graudation he is flying home to see me from Washington.... I am so excited.... I guess he is going to sit with James at Graduation....He is obsessed with him....
Anyways..... I had an episode this weekend with Drama... LOL my step dad got admitted into the hospital and I was so worried becuase I wasn't home when it had happened... He had takent he wrong medicine I guess because it was what the doctor had given him for his back pain and he had an allergic reaction.. Or something.... I spent the night with James that night upset becuase I wasn not able to get ahold of him at the time when I found out, I guess he was at Yiannis the entire time imagine how thrilled that I was that he was at Yiannis hanging out when he was not working.... I was pissed... He told me that night that he thought that we might be making a mistake by being togehter, I guess he though that we were trying to hard to stay together, I hope what he said he did not mean because I love him to death he is everything to me.... Anyways he promised me he would take me somewhere spectacular for graduation but he would not tell me where we were going... But anyways I am in Crafts class and I need to get my but in gear... I gotta get going.. I will write later but I want everyone to kow that I love James to death he is the only thing lately that I have ....