
Jul 30, 2009 17:16

I'm home from college hunting with my sister! ^^

A... day earlier than initially expected, but that's because she decided that she didn't want to go to the last college on her list, and that one's all the way out in western Pennsylvania somewhere. If we had gone there, it would have taken a lot longer to get home than it did. But yeah.

The college visiting wasn't bad. I mean, it gets slightly repetitive when you're at the fifth school to go on and on about 'we have ### clubs and we're a very social campus and we want you to be really passionate about one or two things rather than having ## clubs that you participate in but aren't heavily invested in and this is what we look at most in your application and these are what our academics are like' and so on, but it was interesting to see all of the campuses and stuff. And Cinna has more of an idea of where she wants to apply now, so that's what's important.

...Also, we ran into no less than eight other Katies. (Even if they spelled it differently.) I kid you not. And four of them were four of the five tour guides at one school! I knew it was a common name, but wow.

And I still don't get the point of fraternities and sororities, which were heavily, heavily emphasized for one reason or another, and the one school that apparently has a 'streaking team' weirded me out a little, but okay...

But yeah, home now. ^^ It was funny, too - when we got home and were looking for the cats to make sure they were all accounted for, there was some music coming from the new room. And not just any music, either - it was some really low, creepy music, like something that would play in a movie when the characters walk into a creepy empty area like an abandoned haunted house or something. Apparently the cats managed to turn on the stereo somehow. They're smart kitties.

...Nya. May be going out to pick up new glasses for the entire family (including me, because even though I don't wear them often - well, at all really - I could probably stand to more than I do) tonight at some point. Not sure. Either way, I'm off hiatus now. ^^

c*llege, real life, social issues

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