May 05, 2009 17:05
Guess who got an A in Expos? ^^ Also, apparently, the only A in the class, but I'm not going to think too deeply into that...
That's the only grade I know yet, seeing as finals start on Thursday for my other classes, but. I really should be studying for Japanese (which is Thursday at 8 AM on the central campus, meaning I should probably get up at 6:30 in the morning, uuuuugh...) and Differential Equations (Friday at 8 AM, but on the campus I live on, so not quite as bad, but still uuuugh...), but I don't really feel like studying at the moment...
I need to actually sit down and watch the entirety of GX all the way through some time this summer. I mean, I've read all the summaries and seen a grand majority of the episodes (and all of the plot relevant things) in one form or another, but I haven't seen all of them (especially filler) in the original Japanese, and as I realized last night thanks to Cyn in chat, I've missed out on a lot of stuff. I finally watched episode 69 through, actually, earlier - much as I despise White Thunder, I have to say, there are definitely some very funny parts in there...
I also intend to finish watching Kamen Rider Ryuuki all the way through. Finished episode 10 (out of 50) today, and next episode... well, I'm facepalming a little. Ren (he's kind of the rival, sort of like the Manjoume to Shinji (the protagonist)'s Judai, to use a handy, mostly accurte comparison - Ren even wears a black coat and Shinji wears red, so make of that what you will) gets to have Plot Relevant Amnesia next episode so that we can have some EXPOSITION about his past and stuff.
But then, this is Power Rangers essentially meets Card Games on Motorbikes, so.
...Speaking of which, apparently we get to find out who has the Head Signer mark in tomorrow's episode of 5Ds. That mystery may or may not finally be solved! If it's Godwin, then the writers are being far too obvious. If it's Rudger, that begs several more questions. If it's someone we've never met before, that would be kind of cheap, in some ways...
kamen rider,
yu-gi-oh 5ds,
english class,
yu-gi-oh gx