A World of Warcraft-Related Rant

Jan 27, 2009 23:03

So. For those who don't know (which is... pretty much everyone besides my family), I officially have World of Warcraft installed on my laptop. */cheer* And though I'm waiting on a few things to be fixed before I can get my two main characters transferred to my new account, I've been playing a little bit.

Specifically, I created a Draenei Hunter on an RP server known as Scarlet Crusade. (Guess why I gravitated there.) Her name is Nordakira, and she has a pet Nightstalker at the moment named Tanbe - Nordakira was a randomly-generated name because I couldn't think of anything, while Tanbe... well, there's a kanji that reads 'tan' and means 'charcoal' (there seriously is - I'm quite amused, because that's my fire mage/oracle/whatever-the-heck-they'll-be-when-I-actually-work-on-the-Digimon-fanfic-that-isn't-a-Digimon-fanfic-anymore's nickname and has been since his creation), and he has charcoal-colored fur, so I looked for one that meant fur, it was read 'he', and... I added tenten to it. I don't know if that's technically allowed by Japanese grammer and stuff, but I did.

Usually I pick various kinds of elves (be they the Alliance Night Elves or the Horde Blood Elves, though usually the Night Elves because Shadowmeld = ♥♥♥) because, well, I like elves, and the times that I've tried to pick up other species, they haven't gotten too far. I deleted a human paladin that I had raised to level 17 once because the lack of ranged abilities irritated me to no end. I think my gnome warlock was level 8? And I had a Draenei mage once, but he only got to a pathetic level 6. Not to mention that undead priest who's probably not going to progress past level 13. Maybe it's also the fact that Nordakira's a hunter - having a pet really helps with soloing. (Though, I've leveled a Night Elf Priest from 1-70 without a single point in Shadow ever. And when I eventually bring her to 80, she still won't be in Shadow at all. IT CAN BE DONE, even if 55-60 was really just spamming Blackrock Depths in hope of getting a group that would be willing to get Jailbreak done.)

I'm significantly more amused than I should be by the Draenei starting area's quest lines. I mean, there was this one quest where you have to take this tree disguise kit, use it by this flag, and stay quiet while you listen in on a conversation between a goblin and a traitorous gnome. Mind you, you're disguised as a lone deciduous tree, on the beach. And yet they somehow don't notice. (I vaguely wonder what happens if you cancel the disguise buff while the conversation's going on. If I ever make another Draenei, I will try this.)

And this isn't to mention the Draenei society themselves. Being the GX *insert word of choice akin to fangirl, geek, nerd, or the like here* that I am, especially with all of my focus on season 2 in playing Manjoume... yeah. They're all "In The Name of the Light!" and stuff. Granted, it's the Naaru's Light that they're praising, which has been proven to be quite benevolent and good and stuff (and I think there's supposed to be an apostrophe somewhere in the middle of Naaru, but I'm too lazy to check where), but I'm just sitting here laughing and laughing whenever it gets brought up.

Still have to learn my way around the Exodar though. Though, I think I might have an idea of where the hunter trainer is now, and the bank is easy. As long as I can memorize where Inscription is (yes Nordakira went the Inscription route), I should be all right. Keyword should, but.

Anyway... nya. I actually pass threads for Econtra this month before I pass journal entries. It feels weird, I tell you... *needs to go do the tags that have accumulated while I've been writing this up*

EDIT: A meme I found on Ro's journal.

Pick 10 people you roleplay. Don't look at the questions before you've made your list.

1. Tenjoin Asuka (AU) - idolfragrance
2. Larka (OU) - twentysnowflake
3. Fujiwara Yusuke (AU) - black_seaweed
4. Yao Ling (OU) - jingle_ling
5. Jounouchi Katsuya (AU) - oreno_kioku
6. Manjoume Jun (AU) - black_not_white
7. Jeremie Belpois (OU) - blue_sweatshirt
8. Sunstone!Tenjoin Fubuki (AU) - pieceofsnow
9. The Clear Cubes (AU) - xxclearcubesxx
10. Richard Pitt (OU) - nospidersplzthx

Four [Ling] invites Three [Yusuke] and Eight [Fubuki] to dinner at their house. What happens?
It would probably be your average dinner, except... probably either catered or cooked over a fire, and Fubuki would get Yusuke to show off party tricks or something.

Nine [Cubes] tries to get Five [Jounouchi] to go to a strip club. How?
...Probably... Yuki finds out about the term, wants to know what it is, and Yusuke won't tell her, so she drags Akiraka and Nyuu along to ask Jounouchi to bring them all to one so that they can know what it is. Ah, naive little Cubes.

You need to stay at a friends house for the night. Who do you choose, One [Asuka] or Six [Manjoume]?
Tough choice. If I have to pick, probably Asuka, but only because she's a girl, I'm a girl, and my staying over at a boy's house would be awkward.

Two [Larka] and Seven [Jeremie] are making out, Ten [Pitt] walks in. What is their reaction?
"Why is a wolf making out with a boy?"

Three [Yusuke] falls in love with Six [Manjoume], One [Asuka] is jealous. What happens?
The only way this could ever happen is in a love potion plot of sorts (and I'd never have it happen), but... Manjoume would be oblivious to Yusuke, and eventually the other two would recoginze this?

Four [Ling] jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue, Ten [Pitt], Two [Larka] or Seven [Jeremie]?
Probably Larka. Jeremie's too much of a computer nerd, and Mr. Pitt... Larka'd be more likely. Though why Ling would jump me is beyond me. Maybe Greed!Ling...

Eight [Fubuki] decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes later, what is happening?
Chaos. Utter chaos. He's Fubuki.

Three [Yusuke] has to marry either Six [Manjoume], Four [Ling] or Nine [Cubes]. Who do they choose?
Ignoring his current relationship... probably one of the Cubes, since he knows them best.

Seven [Jeremie] kidnaps Eight [Fubuki] and demands something from Five [Jounouchi] for Eight's [Fubuki] release. What is it?
His laptop back. Jounouchi borrowed it and never returned it.

Everyone gangs up on Three [Yusuke], does Three [Yusuke] have a chance in hell?
Depends on who constitutes "everyone". All of the characters listed? He'd do well against everyone other than Larka, and even then he'd probably have a chance. Other people? Well, even he can't defeat a Haou...

Everyone is invited to Two [Larka] and Ten's [Pitt] wedding, except for One [Asuka]. How do they react?
"I'm busy that day anyway - the press wants to interview me about my new album, and they scheduled this a few weeks ago, and I wouldn't want to disappoint them."

Why is Six [Manjoume] afraid of Seven [Jeremie]?
Because Jeremie can hack his files and expose what he wrote that one time to the world. :P

Four [Ling] arrives late for Two [Larka] and Ten's [Pitt] wedding. What happens and why were they late?
Ling was late because he ran out of stamina, collapsed in the middle of the road, and needed to enlist the help of a random stranger to get food before he could continue there. As for what happens... I wouldn't think anything would. This, of course, is assuming that Mr. Pitt would marry a wolf...

Five [Jounouchi] and Ten [Pitt] get roaring drunk and end up at your house. What happens?
They get kicked out, probably. Or attacked/jumped on by the puppy.

Nine [Cubes] murders Two's [Larka] best friend. What does Two [Larka] do to get back at them?
She attacks them back. Not that they would actually be able to kill Kar, since they have 0 attack points...

Six [Manjoume] and One [Asuka] are in mortal danger, only one of them can survive. Does Six [Manjoume] save himself, or One [Asuka]?
Easy. He saves Asuka.

Two [Larka] and Three [Yusuke] go camping. For some reason, they forget to bring any food. What do they do?
Larka hunts some down.

Six [Manjoume] is in a car crash and is critically injured. What does Nine [Cubes] do?
Yuki: "Akiraka, Nyuu, you two stay here and keep an eye on him! I'll go get Mr. Yusuke for help!"

regarding telephones, econtra, world of warcraft, original fiction, meme, yu-gi-oh gx

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