Apologies for the lengthy pointless rant about RL stuff.

Mar 22, 2008 21:38

Happy Easter, to those who celebrate it.  It may be a few hours early, but that's all right.

Before anyone says anything, yes, I am Christian.  Specifically, I'm in the Episcopalian denomination, though my official view of the matter is that I'll believe what the Nicene Creed says, but if the Bible or the Archbishop of Canterbury or whoever thinks they're in charge says something, I'm not necessarily going to follow it blindly, especially if it contradicts my opinion of the matter.

(I don't particularly care what religion you are - you can believe that the moon is the embodiment of the ice cream goddess for all I care, that's your decision.)

But my argument with the decisions of a bunch of idiotic management-type people can be left for another time.  Right now, I want to rant about something else church-related.

Every year, the night before Easter, my church holds an Easter Vigil service.  It's the most beautiful one of the entire year - it starts out in darkness, then the new pascal candle is lit and the service continues in candlelight until the sermon, and then when Fr. B. cries out "Christ is Risen!", everyone rings bells.

...Maybe I'm a little bit too expectant, having gone for the past few years, but I didn't like it as much this year for one reason - it started an hour earlier than it usually does, and that meant that it started before the sun went down, and therefore, not in complete darkness.  It just... doesn't have the same effect that way.  I know it was probably for accessability this or that, but it just didn't feel as special.

And that's not to mention what I want to say to the congregation about music and the service.

An "anthem" is a piece that the choir sings alone.  One is supposed to be quiet and listen to the choir sing when they are singing this anthem.  One is not supposed to talk to their neighbor, no matter how quietly.  It's noticed.  Really, it is.  Especially if you're in the front row - I'm an acolyte.  I see things.  And when Fr. B. specifically asks you to be quiet and listen to the anthem like you're supposed to, that is not an open invitation to talk during the anthem.  Yes, couple who was sitting in the front, I'm talking to you.

Meanwhile, a "hymn" is a piece that the entire congregation is supposed to sing with the choir.  You're not supposed to talk during it, you're supposed to sing during it.  YES, THAT MEANS SING!  Pull out the hymnal and sing.  Yes, it's nice to hear the choir sing, but when it's a hymn, everyone's supposed to.  For that is what a hymn is.

The hymnal is right there!  Why does no one use it?!

...But enough about that.

Visiting the family was actually relatively peaceful today.  Got to meet the new baby cousin, and Aunt A and Heck Pig were surprisingly quiet.  (Though then again, that's probably because they were watching basketball instead of interacting with family.  Again.  You can tape the basketball game, but when the family is there, they're kind of not there indefinitely.)

Tomorrow is the Easter service at church, followed by dinner with the grandmothers in the afternoon.  And then back to school on Monday.

Joy.  Orchestra and V.R. the first day back.

family issues, music, church issues, v.r., easter, school issues

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