(no subject)

Feb 07, 2005 13:55

ah ha! its been a while since i have written in this thing. im writing in this thing for ally! cause i heart her, and we are awesome together hecks yes! anywho ive been getting into shit with my 5th hour teacher alot lately. ah welll i dont care. i am grounded..becuase of a long story. nad i didnt go to snowcoming. and neither did mike so i stayed on the phone with him all day. kind of but then at the end of the night he was acting like an ass.then on sunday i watched the super bowl!! it was the shit but then the Eagles lost and i owe money. damn...sucks..ah well..and and i was on the phone with Dj and his tv is like 5 seconds ahead of my tv and he ruined almost everything that was shocking..lol..but ah well..then mikey was supposed to come over about 7 and watch it with me but he ended up ditchin me and that sucked and then he was being an ass aswell then too..and wow..now he is mad at me we just had ANOTHER fight online.we suck...and we were trying to figure out what we were going to do for Valentines Day but neither of us can figure that out...well i ll write more later i have to get off..cause my step dad is home and all rules go back to normal when hes home..like...grouding.. for example taht means no computer but my mom can care less,.its only when the asshole comes home..ah well later.!


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