I now have seed money for the massage therapy restart. I will now have to acquire office space, renew all relevant licenses with the correct address, preferably within the county) acquire some odds and ends to furnish said space, arrange the various utilities, get the word out to everyone who will want to break down my door to get on my table, investigate the local options for some refresher training, (my main training is fifteen years old and the state of the art better have advanced since the last time I was paying attention), get bank and credit card acceptance arrangements made. . . in short all the minutia of getting a real live business going.
I'm also scheduled to get a demonstration of a new device for converting printed text to digital text for speaking or rendering in other formats. It's called the
Eye-pal and its purported advantage over the old flat-bed scanner method is speed and ease of use, with a major portability bonus thrown in. If it's as good as the advertising copy says it is, it will give me damned close to print reading parity for the first time ever, meaning I would be able to interact on a nearly equal footing with sighted readers in libraries, book shops and other book venues. I would be able to read any content I liked, not having to wait for government agencies or kind friends to help me render the text into something I can read. Two areas this will affect immediately, pagan publications and gaming products, both of which are only minutely represented in accessible formats.
And as of March, I am, with the full knowledge and support of my teacher going to begin teaching Feri students in the Sacramento environs. In part, this comes from a desire to have folk to play with who aren't at the end of a two-hour drive/train trip. In part, I feel sure I will gain a lot of insights by teaching some of what I've learned and creating my own material to fill in the gaps I find. And I just love the work, not in the bubbly NRE sense, but as something I want to share with them as are interested. I've been waffling about this for over a month, but now having sat down and written out my outline for the first class, it's real to me and I'm going to go forward with it.
I'll be looking for a place to do the teaching; our home is lovely but unsuitable at this time. I'll start getting the word out towards the end of January, though anyone who is interested can let me know whenever.
I've been pondering the emphasis on the liminal nature of a lot of Feri practice recently, not least I think because I'm walking through a lot of gateways right now. The next three months will certainly not leave me filled with ennui.