Electric Bolt of Lightning

May 02, 2009 00:30

Don't ask me why I'm posting a journal when I am almost completely overcome with sleepiness. This is my one night to stay up late every week and there is never anyone awake to talk to me. Well either that, or they're out partying somewhere. So instead of opting for sleep I decide to torture myself a little longer by staying awake to write this pointless blog. Shuks, I never have anything really exciting to talk about anyway. What am i supposed to do? Go through a detailed explanation of my day, expecting you (unknown, possibly nonexistent reader) to read this? Yeaah, I know I did that in the past but I don't even feel like getting into it and reliving an entire today which is mostly pointless.

Hmm, I might as well talk about Isabella a little bit. Well I might have to babysit her tomorrow already because I guess Steve and Leah are stressed out and need a break from everything. So that be awesome if I got to see her. I saw her three days this week: Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I haven't seen her since...-sigh- Well Steve's friend has a little girl too who is like four/five months old, but when she went for a hearing test, the doctors had bad news and said that she was deaf. That must be a devastating revelation. Now the parents will have MUCH more expected of them and the learning ability of lttle Kailey will be sincerely hindered.

I can't wait to get out of school for summer break. We'll finally be seniors and rule to school. Ack, not that I am really all that eager to graduate. I am so nervous about the whole prospect and I have absolutely NO idea where i even want to go to college, let alone what I'm going to study. Ha, and i went and made my senior year more difficult by signing up for Pre-Calculus, Ap Chem, AP Bio, European History, Anatomy, and Psychology. I don't have any idea if they are even going to schedule me for all these classes, but they are a likely candidates. -sob,sob-

Ah! I REALLY want sleep! I have no idea why I am torturing myself so! Well maybe I do, it's because I've been trying to persuade myself to finish all the animes I haven't touched in ages and start all the ones i have on my list. I have so many things I need to catch up on!

Well I am actually signing off for good now, so... a tout a l'heur!

crazy life

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