endless babling

Apr 18, 2009 20:52


i'm a little annoyed, but what's new? i just hung out with carissa and i guess it was alright. i''m just annoyed that sometimes she's really fun and other times its just akward. i consider her a good friend, but sometimes i wonder if she feels the same.

well, spring break is almost over.. tomorrow is my last day. back to school, and the endless work and drama. blrrggh. i have to do homework, but i think i'll save that for tomorrow. i'm gonna watch some hana kimi and take my mind of things.

my sister comes home from college next week. that should be interesting. i just hope that no one gets in any fights. i'm thinking my brother's gonna want to start something with her about the whole drug thing.

oh! i've got some good news! my neice should be ariving and day now! today was my brother's birthday, i think he wanted her to come around the same time. well this morning we found out that Leah was 1 cm diallated. she really is supposed to be born on may 13, but we all think she's gonna come a little earlier then expected. hey, i'm not complaining!

lol, star wars is on! i think i'll kick back and watch some. ahh, wait i was gonna watch hana kimi. well i might watch star wars first then watch some of that later. i'm just starving, i want to eat something. *pout* overall, i'm just not in the greatest of moods and i need something to make me feel better.

well the new harry potter 6 trailer came out, it looks super cool! i'm definatly excited about that.

how about we talk about some books. i'm trying to read a couple things right now. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite, Children of Hurin by JRR Tolkein, plus i've got a whole bunch of books i'm supposed to start. ahh! yeah, i've got to prioritize myself.

oh, and i'm retaking the ACT on june 13th, right around final exams. mmhmm, i like to torture myself...

well, i'm done blabing.

au revorir

ps. buttens looks so adorable curled up on the couch like that! i just have to stroke his fur! auuuh!

harry potter, books, crazy life

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