Generalness of Life

Oct 04, 2007 19:50

Today was fun. Hung out with Rachel, Carissa and Matt after school. it was kind of awkward though. Matt asked Carissa to the dance and he wanted to hang out with her one day and we said we would join them cause she didn't want to go alone. So yeah, we basically did nothing. we went to the park and sat on the swings for like an hour.

Well tomorrow's the Homecoming game, and Saturday is the Homecoming dance. I'm not sure if i'm going or not, it depends on if i can hang out with Jessica this weekend or not. I tried calling her but she didn't answer! i haven't seen her since before the summer started... So all this week people have been dressing up for spirit week, and well, let's just say i don't have a lot of school spirit.

I just saw this preview for a movie called The Jane Austen Bookclub, and it looks so good, I really want to see it. A few days ago I saw Becoming Jane and it was soooooo good. It reminded me how much i love that era, and all her books. I started reading Emma, but I set it down and have yet to pick it back up and finish it.

So the wedding was really fun last weekend, i actually danced at the reception which is something i never do.  I am so happy for Rachel!!! Her and Ricky have been engaged for like three years. So I also saw Julie, which was nice, and I wont see her again until her birthday.

All week all i have been doing is homework, homework, and more homework.  I had a biology test today and i studied really hard for that test and i am pretty sure i did good.

So that's my life... see how boring it is. Update: did i fail to mention that matt is a total jerk now, and well, carissa REALLY dislikes him. i'll spare you the details, since basically i'm sick of hearing about it in the first place.

books, crazy life

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