diplomas and books!!

Jun 09, 2007 15:55

Julie had just graduated form lakeview high school yesterday, and i STILL can't believe it! OH-EM-GEE

that really just sums everything up there with whats been happening with me.

yesterday during fifth hour the power went out and we did NOTHING that whole hour, it was actually pretty scary at first cause the lights kept flickering and a few kids screamed out in the hall, and rain was POURING outside. we all kinda just stopped where we were like, "hey, what the heck just happened!?" pretty exciting actually. :}

finished a few books, Avalon High and River Secrets. I took this huge break from LOTR the fellowship, but I started where i left off in that book which was at when they were at the part in rivendell at the council when each character described whats happened to them and why they are there. exciting. I have also started this book called The Princess and The Pauper by Kate Brian, i like it a lot so far, just a simple book to take your mind off of things for a while. Julie also went to the book store and bought Memoirs of a Geisha, i've already read it, but i think i will again, since it has been about over a year now.

hmm, what else??

tom has also for the first time EVER in his life, picked up a fiction book and started reading it for fun. can you guess what book???? harry potter 1. he is already about half way through with it. i'm so proud of him!!! feel funny saying that since he is 5 years older then myself, ahh well.

tom actually took me out for cold stone ice cream the other day, it was SOO god!!!

think thats it, ttyl!

harry potter, books, crazy life

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