The Random

Sep 18, 2006 18:39

Today I went with Rachel after school to the book club. :) It was kewl since I am a book nutt. We were given are first book to real called Sula by Toni Morrison. It looks pretty easy, I can finish it in no time, I am confident.

It is already the 3rd week of school and I have been given probably a mountain work of hmk. Oh well, I'm in High School now, this is kind of what I expected.

The Homecoming is this Saturday! Rachel asked me to go with her and some other people, so... She says one of them has rented a LIMO! Come on! I don't entirley believe her yet.
Concept of Life & Death
Try as you might you will never grasp the concept Life and Death.
It is as unpredictable as telling the future.
One moment you have a life in the palm of your hand and the next it’s gone.
This concept is not even supposed to make sense to us.
It is...a mystery.
Wow, where the heck did I come up with this!?! Tee-hee...

poems&other writings, books, crazy life

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