001 Lose 5kg by Duncan's 4th birthday (April 24) - Achieved
002 Reach Goal weight - Got within 2kg, then got pregnant
003 Maintain goal weight for 6 months
004 Run 5km without stopping - Achieved
005 Exercise 4 days a week. - Achieved
006 Fit size 12 jeans. - Achieved, albeit now they're maternity jeans.
007 Wear sunblock every day - Achieving
008 Have a massage at least twice a year - Achieving
009 Make a decision about growing our family - Achieved, baby number three due in March!
010 Go to the dentist annually
011 Have a cervical smear annually
012 Get a mole map done
013 Drink 8 glasses of water every day - Achieving
014 Keep a food log for six months
015 Get a pedicure - Achieved, just last week!
016 Cut my hair above shoulder length
017 Record every book I read for a year (maybe in 2010!)
018 Read unread books on bookshelf
019 Beat Emma at Scrabble
020 Read or re-read the Top 10 books on the Whitcoulls list
021 Update my LJ at least once a week
022 Maintain the family calendar - Achieving
023 Spend 10 minutes per day "picking up" - Achieving
024 Host a dinner party
025 Get chickens - Achieved. 3 brown shavers in January. They're awesome.
026 Keep the dining room table clear for 30 consecutive days
027 Get quotes for bathroom renovations - Quoted and finished!
028 Scoop dog poop every day
029 Record rainfall every day
030 Make the bed every day for consecutive 60 days
031 Bake at least once a week - Achieving
032 Attempt a pavlova
033 Try one new recipe a month
034 Clear out unwanted books or buy new bookshelf
035 Harvest zucchini before they turn into marrows - Almost!
036 Keep the kitchen bench clear for 30 consecutive days
037 Donate blood
038 Donate a can to the foodbank each grocery shop - I donated a years worth at Christmas
039 Buy an insulated bag to use for groceries
040 Keep cloth bags in boot of car and use at supermarket at least half the time - Achieved
041 Donate to Heart Children Annual Appeal - Achieved 2009
042 Donate baby clothes to Pregnancy Help - Keeping them for next baby now
043 Visit the Fatima Centre in Bangkok
044 Call someone who lives alone every week - Achieving
045 Recycle diligently - Achieving
046 Take reusable items to Kindergarten - Achieving
047 Re-home 2 toys after every birthday - Achieving
048 Date night once a month - if watching a DVD counts, then yes!
049 Have one outing a month with Duncan on his own
050 Have one outing per month with Quinn on his own
051 Have a family portrait done - Had the kids done in December
052 Go to Mass and stay for cup of tea with Grandma once a month
053 Have an outing with Ella once a term
054 Visit Dominic in Thailand - Achieved
055 Meet estranged father - Achieved
056 Get contact details for oldest half sibling - Achieved and now in daily contact
057 Make Craig a three course meal for no occasion
058 Take the kids to Pouakai Zoo Park
059 Take the kids to the Art Gallery
060 Call Grandmothers once a fortnight - Achieved
061 Send one letter per month to family overseas
062 Get credit card balance to zero - Getting closer
063 Pay off overdraft
064 Buy a storage box for receipts for tax purposes - Achieved
065 Track all spending for 60 days
066 Save $10 per month - Achieved
067 Write meal plan and shopping list fortnightly - Achieving
068 Send one chatty e-mail per day - Achieving
069 Invite the girls for coffee once a month - Achieving
070 Make one new friend - Achieving
071 Have a wine and cheese evening
072 Do two pages in Duncan's scrapbook
073 Buy a scrapbook for Quinn
074 Do two pages in Quinn's scrapbook
075 Go to the Festival of Lights - performing in Festival of Lights on Jan 10.
076 Get another tattoo
077 Go to a concert - went to Fleetwood Mac
078 Sew 25 cloth wipes for Claire's baby - Awww Max!
079 Make a bag
080 Join a choir or audition for a show - was in Christmas At The Bowl
081 Go to WOMAD - will be too pregnant in 2010, maybe in 2011
082 Go to school reunion - didn't, but did meet up with 4 old friends
083 Finish wedding scrapbook
084 Make something for my mother in law
085 Go to a TNN knitting night
086 Do one day of professional development
087 Get a first aid certificate
088 Do one day relieving at a kindergarten
089 Get academic record and work out how many papers I need to finish BA
090 Apply for one job
091 Get one smart interview suit
092 Go to Auckland - Achieved
093 Go to South Island
094 Visit N & S - Achieved
095 Take children camping
096 Update Will
097 Update Life Insurance
098 Sell wedding dress
099 Throw out old knickers and socks - Achieved
100 Buy new running shoes - Achieved
101 Sort filing once a month - Achieving