[ethics] The "Marriage Affirmation Act"

May 02, 2004 20:33

*blinkblinktwitch* Note to Self: Never ever ever move to Virginia.

From the state that brought you UCITA...

excerpt from a post by penknife

Virginia just passed the "Marriage Affirmation Act." Not only does it ban gay marriage or civil union, and ban recognizing gay marriages or civil unions performed in other states, but it bans any "partnership contract or other arrangements that purport to provide the benefits of marriage."

What benefits are those? Well, the bill's pretty clear about that. ETA: Reading through it again, it's not actually out on the table in plain English. But this particular language probably means the following, according to the lawyers looking at the bill:

Powers of attorney. Custody arrangements. Health insurance coverage for same-sex domestic partners. Joint ownership of property. And--most sickeningly--wills leaving property to a same-sex partner.

*rant, cry, curls up in ball*

2004may, ethics

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