bridgetester's LiveJournal popularity rating is 4.99/10.
bridgetester is more popular than 99.75% of all LiveJournal users.
bridgetester is more popular than 84.3% of their mutual friends.
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LJ Popularity created by
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LJ Popularity for bridgetester
LJ Popularity uses Google's PageRank algorithm to compute a completely scientific and objective number that determines how cool a person you are.
EDIT 1: ...OK, since people keep wondering, your 'popularity rating' is the probability of a user clicking on random Friends links to be at your profile page at any point in time. That's the essence of the PageRank algorithm-it's a traffic estimate based on the Web's link structure. It's presented on a logarithmic scale to make it easier to understand.
By the way, the median popularity ranking is 1.25/10. 50% of LiveJournal users are ranked above 1.25, and 50% are ranked below. The lucky Completely Average LJer is
erinasaurusrex, who has exactly the median popularity ranking.
EDIT 2: I've posted a list of the 100 most popular users
And in case you were wondering about your own popularity, I copied the list of mutual friends. *amused*
bridgetester's mutual friends:
zoethe 6.69/10
spoonfeeding 6.53/10
ozarque 6.35/10
rosefox 6.06/10
dawna 5.89/10
ratkrycek 5.79/10
melanie 5.77/10
tviokh 5.73/10
zarhooie 5.73/10
wolfieboy 5.72/10
mcsnee 5.63/10
conuly 5.47/10
ladytabitha 5.46/10
ysabel 5.46/10
regyt 5.34/10
sbisson 5.33/10
thunderslug 5.31/10
epi_lj 5.28/10
sailorjim 5.26/10
happypete 5.24/10
jadine 5.20/10
critus 5.19/10
dopple 5.16/10
jul3z 5.15/10
tacit 5.13/10
burr86 5.12/10
eldritch00 5.11/10
walkingbear 5.10/10
angelicmoonfire 5.09/10
xtremesaints 5.05/10
nysidra 5.01/10
bridgetester 4.99/10
ursamajor 4.98/10
kageneko 4.96/10
susitna 4.92/10
karen2205 4.91/10
wurmwyd 4.90/10
mysterg 4.89/10
isabeau 4.89/10
eyes_of_cyrene 4.88/10
bekithewitch 4.86/10
annina_writes 4.86/10
moocowrich 4.85/10
wispfox 4.84/10
shivedheart 4.83/10
athanata 4.83/10
leora 4.82/10
innerbrat 4.78/10
mermaidnchains 4.77/10
d00mw0lf 4.75/10
gameboyguy13 4.75/10
wyldemusick 4.73/10
hfx_ben 4.73/10
raventhon 4.67/10
sassamifrass 4.66/10
camomiletea 4.65/10
jdotmi 4.63/10
placesyouhaunt 4.61/10
rho 4.61/10
chickenfeet2003 4.61/10
jasra 4.60/10
ciara_belle 4.59/10
thette 4.58/10
discoflamingo 4.55/10
thelala 4.53/10
bluestocking7 4.52/10
rainbow_goddess 4.52/10
forthright 4.50/10
andrewwyld 4.50/10
lederhosen 4.49/10
eisa 4.49/10
seiryu_16 4.48/10
lonnerz 4.45/10
oh_the_ironing 4.45/10
iblis_kukl 4.42/10
gfish 4.36/10
notasecretagent 4.36/10
ma_ee_uh 4.36/10
primed 4.35/10
ayalanya 4.34/10
prissi 4.34/10
juleske 4.33/10
ororo 4.31/10
curtana 4.31/10
springdew 4.28/10
creepa 4.27/10
secksiewolfie 4.27/10
bellaanne 4.26/10
idonotlikepeas 4.25/10
iamom 4.25/10
weyrlady 4.22/10
surelle 4.19/10
ian_gunn 4.18/10
demented_pants 4.18/10
correspondguy 4.16/10
trigeekgirl 4.14/10
minervasolo 4.11/10
eclectic_1 4.11/10
sharp_blue 4.10/10
remark 4.10/10
phaedra_lari 4.08/10
phoenixdreaming 4.06/10
ingenuemuse 4.05/10
ymmat 4.01/10
girl_in_a_world 4.00/10
neminem 3.99/10
deadmantalks 3.98/10
stevieg 3.97/10
dalryaug 3.95/10
calcgoddess1183 3.94/10
gwferguson 3.94/10
keristars 3.94/10
australian_joe 3.93/10
aohdwyn 3.91/10
firynze 3.90/10
megthelegend 3.88/10
gardenfey 3.84/10
aeonvolupz 3.84/10
anonamod 3.81/10
spirilis 3.78/10
prolixfootle 3.78/10
sheherazahde 3.77/10
majes 3.73/10
montecristo 3.73/10
buddha_cat 3.68/10
thelazarus 3.62/10
moonfall 3.61/10
self 3.60/10
si_placet 3.57/10
chibiaingeal 3.56/10
writerbrain 3.52/10
wildcat_daisy 3.47/10
zamethejedi 3.44/10
llelwyn 3.44/10
simultaneity 3.43/10
nimph 3.37/10
king_of_goblins 3.37/10
snap_pop 3.37/10
pallas__athena 3.36/10
rosefoxwrites 3.33/10
harroldsheep 3.31/10
zesty_pinto 3.31/10
undertheivy99 3.29/10
orb2069 3.27/10
paultopia 3.26/10
antayla 3.25/10
aslansghost 3.23/10
dillywig 3.23/10
pockingell 3.22/10
jannedoe 3.20/10
soul_reflection 3.20/10
pauamma 3.19/10
silverwind9 3.14/10
eriksavatar 3.14/10
psychostorm 3.13/10
constantia 3.12/10
johnchico 3.11/10
oraclegoddess 3.09/10
chompy_ 3.08/10
sternentier 3.02/10
yazethet 3.01/10
khavrinen 2.98/10
jshado_1 2.95/10
valkyrieblue 2.95/10
carandol 2.84/10
liaison27 2.79/10
dreamlandvision 2.78/10
chucklebug 2.75/10
girlydoll 2.74/10
thewatch 2.69/10
jet87 2.64/10
dadisgirl 2.64/10
bouteillebleu 2.52/10
codemonkeym 2.49/10
hanishoney 2.43/10
bookishgrrl 2.36/10
owlbutter 2.36/10
caffron 2.35/10
kiwimouse 2.32/10
the_stranger0 2.31/10
jemyl 2.30/10
wi1dchild 2.26/10
thejollyone 2.15/10
mea_kakau 2.11/10
shinidraco 2.11/10
seaward 2.10/10
the_cynic 2.02/10
goddamnelf 1.97/10
sweetiepie25 1.97/10
gnodal 1.94/10
tim_ 1.85/10
wlofie 1.82/10
evilbo 1.69/10
x_meepit_x 1.69/10
shived_writing 1.57/10
sarah_frost 1.55/10
koyangwuti 1.14/10
prjunkie 0.35/10