Mar 06, 2008 19:07
So I have spent some real quality time lately cleaning up copious amounts of cat barf. Just going on record. This sucks.
She barfed three times in four days, I took her to the vet. Waited a week and then barfed twice in 24 hours. Better for days and the vet phones today to check up on her. Vet's glad to hear she's gone days without barfing. Whoopee. We hang up. The little fucker barfs. I clean it up. She barfs AGAIN. I am officially fed up with cat barf.
I feel bad for her tho. She can't help herself, and I wish I knew why she was throwing up. I could get into details, but really, that's pretty gory and no one wants to know. Poor little girl. She also has some sort of allergic reaction to SOMETHING, and hence has all these bumps on her skin. Boy, did we pick a winner from the SPCA!
Waiting to hear back from the vet. She was going to bring some meds to school tomorrow for her "catne" (that's what I so wittily call it), so she might as well know that Hazel's harfing her guts up again. Whee. I'd leave the second pile for Darren, but I swear to God, it's staring at me. It will grow legs if I ignore it any longer....