River of Time ~ The Point of Origin (prologue)

Apr 17, 2010 00:15

      Diving into the unknown is often called "The Leap of Faith". In whatever culture you may belong, whatever religion you may have, you have the element of Faith. Whether it is faith placed in a God, or faith placed in many gods or faith placed in yourself, it is that powerful feeling building up inside that we all know and love. It has always existed, always has been the glue of the universe. The force that moves things around. It’s dynamic, it creates change and makes people want to do things that they would otherwise not do. It helps you start your life; it pushes you to challenge yourself so that you may discover who you are. It is the same with our souls; it is the very curiosity and faith that compelled the soul to jump into a physical body and live the wonderful human experience. Even if it sometimes seems otherwise, from a Godlike perspective, everything has an order and a beauty and a grace. It is the skill of learning to see through such a perspective that brings about the change and the power in your life that can alter who you are and turn you into a bright Lighthouse for those ships at sea that dwell in the dark, heading through the storm, towards the rocks.

     In the very beginning there is this idea, a brilliant idea followed by a wave of enthusiasm and passion. The idea grows and intertwines, paring up in grandeur and splendor with the very core of your being - you look down at nothing and you suddenly see something.

Forwarding back in time, sliding back into the present…It all is easy and makes sense when you look at it from above. Each life is not in the past nor is it in the future, it is in one point, and that point is the origin.

Have you ever thought, what it would be like, for you to suddenly open your eyes one morning and find yourself looking out the window seeing a field of flowers and grass and children cheering and dancing, people making tables, wardrobes… thinking ‘What on earth is going on? When did the urban jungle I live in turn into grassland?’ You climb down from bed and walk among the people and no one can see you, you think you’re dreaming but you’re not, you’re just a spectator. You notice many similarities between yourself and another person there but that person has a different face, different hair, different eyes, speaks differently - you cannot understand the language. Despite all these differences, why does that person seem so familiar? You blink once, you blink twice and suddenly you raise your head to the clouds to follow a sky scraper that endlessly climbs into the billows, clearly the architecture is not of this world.

But it is.

It is of a time when the ocean had not yet swallowed the great citadels of Atlantis, you see the culture, you’re an alien to it, yet you feel familiar and almost drawn to that life style. You see people moving and doing seemingly mundane tasks but there’s the sense of ‘I’ve done that before’ growing inside of you.

You could be dreaming. But you’re not. You’re remembering something that happened thousands of years ago, yet how could you relate to something this ancient, you are barely a few decades old, surely you cannot be linked to such monuments of the ancients. The grassland that was just before you one minute ago, that felt so friendly and home-like and so different from what you now see was gone, yet you could place yourself in both times and areas and fit in them like a puzzle piece waiting to complete a bigger picture.

And so the adventure of remembering begins, the river of time that pours out of your soul unveils, slowly revealing itself more and more, uniting with other rivers and pouring in the grandness of the universe, the ocean of existence….

"The River I rule over is not just a physical body of water, but is indeed the River of Life, the River of Time, which flows out of the past and continues, carrying all of my children from one life to the next. I can help you access these memories of lives past, that you seek knowledge of. Ask me and I will show them to you in visions and dreams. But know before you look, that I will always show you the truth, not all of it pleasant, so be sure of what you ask and what you want to know about." ~ Isis

Mirabai beheld her Beloved and her Beloved beheld her.
They looked into the mirrors of one another’s eyes
and saw the calm ocean of eternity.
They were one Soul.
But time passed and things changed.
Worlds were created around them.
The time came for them to split apart and become two.
Only they knew the reason why
but there was a reason.
They also knew that as soon as they split it would be forgotten,
along with everything else.
If we do this thing; I will forget that I love you;
you will forget that you love me.
Why are we doing this? She wondered.
Don’t worry, her other half reminded her,
we will be together again, it is inevitable.
No amount of time or space
can keep us from finding each other again.
You are the compass that guides my heart through the darkness.

[copyright 2009 Bridget Eden] But this prologue was as much Tudor as it was me & I am grateful for his help.

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