Dec 19, 2011 13:30
I'm obviously too far behind on my blogging to reasonably update anyone on anything. So...I'll just share the randomness of my life as of late.
Yesterday, as we were walking from one store to another (because the first store was completely overrun with people starting their Chinese New Year shopping and we didn't feel like waiting in the checkout line for upwards of 2 hours, so we decided to go to a different store)... a dapper elderly fellow with a cane wandered out of his old Communist-era apartment complex gate and spotted us as he came onto the sidewalk. He was in the midst of humming a tune and suddenly burst into song.
"Lao wai! Laaaoooo waiii!" he sang.
In Chinese, this is basically "Foreigner! Fooorreeiiggnnerrrr!"
He continued onward singing his new "Foreigner" tune...
as we were discussing this amusing event, we passed a group of short bare-branched trees hung full of underwear, hot pants and miniskirts.*
Thus is life in China.
*clothing is hung to dry outside here- no one here has clothes dryers and the girls at the "massage parlor"(ie brothel) next to the trees apparently had no clothing line.