A few of my favourite things: Volume I: Schnitzel with noodles.

Nov 03, 2011 22:35

In lieu of never having done anything the way it should have been done in over 19 years, this seems like a much more long winded wholesome  way of boring people to death introducing myself than through a bio box. (Secondarily, it's a great way to make myself want to kick things less after a shift at work.)
Introducing: A few of my favourite things.

1. Gratuitous Lists.

I'm a list addict. There are phone apps, weekly organizers, daily organizers, a whiteboard, a black board, two different wall calendars and a myriad of colour-coordinated sticky notes tossed about in various places. I have notebooks full of lists, whole document folders full of them.
If I'm story boarding you can bet it involves dot points. One year my mother had me write out our Christmas card and I relayed the whole year in a chronological list of events.  Lists are like my crack, which brings me to...

2. Addictive Substances.

This is where I admit I'm one of those awful, heretical people who still smoke. (Secretly, hidden behind buildings and hanging out windows at night. See, society? I try not to rub it in your face. Please stop bombarding me with pictures of gangrenous feet.) Don't do it, it's bad.
I have energy drinks instead of meals half the time, and a near Pavlovian response to the sound of the kettle clicking or the smell of coffee. Tea is wonderful, and lets me pretend I'm behaving. In Summer I could almost subsist off these things, red wine and salad alone. They make the world a lovelier place. Sometimes they even serve a practical purpose a help me concentrate. Sometimes.

3. Making up back stories for strangers.

This is Keifer. His father was an electrician and his mother raised him and his two  brothers. He went to a normal state school until year 8 when he got a scholarship to a local private school. This was the one time that Keifer felt special, and he has spent the rest of his life trying to eternally relive that moment of glory. Achieving decent but hard earned grades, he went on to work in financial analysis where he lacked the personal charisma to progress up the corporate ladder very far.
In a last ditch effort for further social recognition Keifer decided to run as his local electoral candidate. He did not get voted into office.

Possibly the best  or only game ever to play as a part time supermarket employee and student who has to catch a lot of buses. Offshoots of this game include "Why is he buying that?" In which the aim is to determine whether that 50yr old guy is buying lube for his boyfriend or because his wife is bored in the bedroom. 
It serves the double purpose of keeping me sane and occasionally spurring story ideas.

4. This song.

image Click to view

So much in love for so long now <3

5. Various Fandoms.

It sounds nauseatingly obnoxious to list them all. But lists are kind of my thing. So these are all the lovely daydream lands fandoms I've been in or stalking in the last few years or so.

-Doctor Who          -Digimon (And the obligatory Pokemon. And Dragon Ball Z. Etc90'setc.)
-The X Files           -The Black Jewels series
-Earths Children   -Lord of the Rings
-Harry Potter          -Diana Wynne Jones
-Resident Evil       -Vampire Academy (Don't judge me! It was a bad year.)
-Grey's Anatomy   -Lost (Equally bad year)

~Massive break from everything for a few years~

Oh look, I have the internet again. Shall I study? Oh no.

-The Inheritance Cycle  -Death Note
-Bones                             -New Doctor Who
-Dan Brown (Mercy!)      -Sword of Truth series
-Loveless                        -1984
-Code Geass                 -Bleach
-Fruits Basket                -Hans Christian Anderson *
-Host Club **

In the past month I've been able to add Offspring and Sherlock to this list. This is why I try not to turn on the telly. It's bad for me.

*I had to re-read these for my baby sister, who promptly hated them all and now is demanding re-writes.
**Same small child declares "These are way better than books", gets the boxed set bought for her and again demands that I read.

6. Maya Lilly.

When I was 10, I had my own book room. One day I was told that I was going to have to move my books out of it. Understandably this made me very angry, and when six months later I got handed this pink thing in a hospital I tried to hate it. Which I did. For about three months.
Then I liked it. Then it threw up in my mouth during a Christmas photo -which still unfortunately exists- and I hated it some more.
After a few months it was being kind of sweet and I liked it again, until it picked up my flute and managed to fracture my cheek bone and eye socket with it. Then I really hated it, and after a while teenage angst came along and decided five year olds were despicable things so I didn't speak to it for a year.
Then for some unknown reason she started trying to sleep in my bed, and  we made a compromise where if she stopped doing that we might just get along fine. Now she steals my uni textbooks to play teacher, but she managed to spell haemorrhoid correctly the other day, so it could be worse.

So that's a bit about me. Example 1. Exhibit A.

I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis.
  -Humphrey Bogart, Died January 14, 1957.

vices, existence, narcissism, general

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