So, for the past three days or so I've had this horrible stomach flu, which finally let up yesterday afternoon much to my relief. So pretty much wiped out from two days of no sleep, I went finished up some work and went to bed fairly early thinking "Oh, its Friday tomorrow, I can stay in, sweet."
How foolish of me.
See, I usually put my phone on vibrate so I don't have an alarm ripping through my ear first thing. So when my mobile started buzzing into my face, I slid it open to turn off the 'alarm' only to be greeted by:
"Hello my love! I'm in an airport! IT'S VERY LOUD IN HERE? CAN YOU HEAR ME? I CAN'T HEAR YOU! I'M IN AN AIRPORT!"
Turns out my best friend Deb decided, in all her impulsive wisdom, to fly up to Melbourne for the night. Which, granted, she'll do fairly often, and sure, I usually get called at least once, but generally... not at 7am. Asleep. For just 4 hours. But it didn't stop there.
"I'm asleep. Go away. I'm sick."
Phone obviously gets put somewhere. Somewhere next to a speaker playing "Sugar Sugar" while I'm still dying to go back to sleep.
"Probably in cotton on body."
"It's the only store in the airport that sells pj's. Please don't buy me any."
Needless to say, I'm getting pyjama pants. As a phonecall gift that keeps on giving, I also now have 'Sugar Sugar' stuck in my head on repeat. *Sigh*
Unrelated note, I decided to look up the video to one of my all time favourite songs, only to find it was... well... a little different to what I expected to find.
Click to view
The potatoes eyes terrify me. As does the watermelon. Never again will I be able to paint peacefully to this without that mental image flashing by.