[ The time is: 23:18.
The location is: BAR ALTITUDE.
You are currently: a) seated at the bar and waiting for a drink- that bartender's taking his sweet time, isn't he?
b) already drunk and dancing it out on the dance floor, planning to burn it up, yeah?
c) standing by the entrance looking like a lost soul and wondering just why in the hell
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Mu-chan! You actually got the job here. I'm proud of you.
Did you doubt my ability?
No. Shizu-chan just is a surprisingly difficult person to get along with, right?
He does seem a little on edge. Does he get enough calcium?
[His shoulders shake a little as he starts to laugh and think that is a disgustingly great idea. Really. Though, he wouldn't have his fun of picking on him as Kanra if that were to happen so perhaps not.]
I would like an Angel Chip, please.
Anyway- one Angel Chip (really?) coming right up. ]
It's on the house.
Really, he was feeling playful and not the usual spiteful kind. Wasn't that nice? He takes the cheery to dip it into the red cocktail before pulling it out slowly. A bit later the red of the drink moves to where the cherry just was turning slightly white and revealing the faint image of lips within the drink before slowly dissipating.
Yes, he did look this up before he came on his iPhone because it sounded like fun.]
Ah, thank you. Mu-chan is being extra nice to me today.
It's customer service. [ Nothing more. And honestly, Izaya, what a queer drink to choose to order, but Mukuro watches with something like smug satisfaction as the image materialises. ]
How many drinks do I get on the house? [And can they somehow be billed to Shizu-chan? Probably shouldn't push his luck too much as he was already invading a space that he wasn't allowed in. Eats the cherry happily.]
How are you liking your job here so far?
You'll make me lose it before I form an opinion, if you stay. [ That means no more drinks on the house, bring some money next time, Izaya. ]
I see, I see. I'm also sure that I'd make Shizu-chan lose his too if he sees me here. But, then he'd have as much time as me. [Not good at all. Time to start drinking his cocktail.]
What devotion you have to one another. [ It's almost romantic, how enamoured Izaya and Shizuo are with one another. Always chasing after one or the other, showing their affection through rather physical means-- ]
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