Dec 20, 2005 12:42
I met up with Triathlon Boy for drinks at Celtic Crossings Friday night, where I also ran into an old co-worker from the American Library Association. Good times. After several pints of Guinness, we decided to get some grub. I managed to talk him into going to Las Pinatas, my favorite dirty Mexican joint. They serve some mean margaritas (drunk off your ass margaritas). After a couple of those margaritas, I was drunk enough to where I was seriously contemplating Triathlon Boy’s suggestion that we go and get my nipples pierced that night. SERIOUSLY.
At some point during dinner, he mentioned that he needed to buy some new porn. I got all excited because I almost ALWAYS go to the Adult Bookstore on Wells after an evening at Las Pinatas. It’s kind of a tradition. Plus, I was looking to purchase another dolphin (its present location is currently a mystery to me). But before we left for the adult bookstore, Triathlon Boy decided to purchase a pinata, (they don’t call it Las Pinatas for nothin’) which he proceeded to wear on his head as we walked down Wells to the naughty toy store. It was quite a spectacle. The boy CRACKS me up.
Oh my GOD, it was like being a kid in a candy store. All I wanted was $9.99 dolphin, and he insisted on buying the mega-expensive, ultimate vibrator of all vibrators. This thing is INCREDIBLE and puts Mr. Osaki (aka BUZZ Lightyear) to shame. It has 6, count them, six clit vibration settings. It also has 6 (yep, SIX) different speeds to rotate the head and the pearls in the shaft. Sigh… Although the gesture was really nice, I feel really guilty accepting a gift that expensive. I did protest and tried to distract him by showing him this AWESOME leather paddle and blindfold, which were much less expensive, and he quickly scooped those up too. Thank you, Triathlon Boy. You are very generous, and you made my weekend. I took several “cat naps” last weekend to experiment with my new toy. To be honest, I have no idea how I managed to leave my bed. That thing is FANTASTIC. Maybe I’ll come up with a witty way to name the toy after him. Okay on with the story.
After the adult bookstore extravaganza, we decided to hop in a cab and head back to the boy’s neighborhood. After a quick stop off at a convenient store (where apparently I called the guy working there a homo), we ended up back at his place, where our vow (made early that night) to give up “extra curricular” sex, apparently meant AFTER that night. That’s where it all gets fuzzy. The only thing I truly remember is how soft his bed sheets were, and how I needed to add nice sheets to my list of things to purchase.
So that was my Friday.