Science and Technology

May 26, 2006 21:34

I date A LOT. Too much in fact. I find myself flirting with people I don't even like out of force of habit. I spent all my young life in persuit of a "good guy" ((or girl but, shhhhhh!)). I have dated so much now in fact that one could call my dating less dating and more taking a representative sample. I have made many an observation in my studies but none more profound than this:

Most men who describe themselves as "nice guys" are only that way (if they are at all), by circumstance.

This bares some explaination. *disclaimer* this is not about any one person specificly and typically real nice guys don't descibe themselves as such, so if you are nice ((bill)) and reading this, be not offended. Well then, on to my explaination. "Nice guys" usually point to their past dating experience as evidence of their niceness. This is because in it can be found one or more sob story about some one who didn't love them in the same way as they loved them. Either this girl was crazy, self centered or a chronic cheater, or some happy mix of the three. They are "nice" because despite that persons obvious and alarming number of character flaws they stood by them until that girl eventually left with soem other guy, typically some one unworthy of them, that the guy knew. However, give them a shot with a decent person and the tables turn. The only reason they were "nice" was because they were dating a person who was more horrible than them. gIven a chance to be crazy and cheat and be an ego maniac they gladly take it. Then by that new persons niceness that they shamelessly take advantage of, they say "you make me feel like an asshole."  But the thing is, they were an asshole, its just that more happy, complete, nurturing people bring out the worst in them.

Well those are my findings at least. 
Oh and Meghan I'm sorry I missed Game night, but we won! It was beautiful. Can I come to trivia this week? The game is on Sunday so I'll be free, and last time James and I had a smashing time. Right O. I'm sure this all seems very random.
...sometimes I feel very random.    
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