I'm alive and well, but dissertating, so no guarantees about tomorrow!

Aug 21, 2010 19:43

So, it occurs to me that I haven't been on LJ in nearly 9 months (the last post was in January to say that Jim and I were talking again, funny how that roller coaster never seems to end, lol). And a lot has happened in that time. To me, to my friends. I've missed out on so much. As always. And I feel guilty about that. In fact, every time I would think about dropping over here to post, it would seem like such a huge task to update everything and read about everyone, that I just gave up. And, now with Facebook as my primary way of staying in touch with people, and grad school still keeping me really busy (though I am FINALLY at the dissertation stage people!), I KNOW I am not going to be able to be any better at it. So, I decided I would just admit defeat for the time being. They say that people come into your life for a reason and I've been so lucky to meet the amazing people I have on LJ and so many close friendships have resulted. I have my hands full with my new endeavor (which is going quite well) which is a blog I created to keep me sane and keep me working full speed ahead as I make it through these last 20 months or so of my PhD program. It's "The Distracted Dissertator" for anybody that's interested. But my brideofninja journal is going to have to take a backseat for the time being. It served its purpose when I needed it most. And, for that, I'm grateful.
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