Jan 10, 2009 21:02
I seem to do my best thinking while working at the bakery. That's one of the reasons I love my second job, even if it does usurp myThursday and Saturday evenings. Running the slicing machine is so medatative... I got the idea to do the Nicaragua program while slicing bread on Thursday, and I think I might actually do it.
Various little adventures since:
*A woman I fancy from the Queer Ball came into the cafe while I was working. I gave her a 50% discount and she gave me her card. I blushed unstoppably. It was great.
*I visited the Mills College campus! The students were on break and there was no neogothic architecture, but there were plenty of Spanish Missionary Style halls, a creek that runs through a grove of redwoods, a boulevard lined with sycamores, and a beautiful round chapel with a stone altar in the middle and very good energy.
*On the crowded bus ride to Mills I gave my seat to an old black lady. I've always wanted to to that. For Rosa Parks.
*On the bus ride back I got on the wrong line and got off at the new Catholic Cathedral. I'd been meaning to visit it anyway -- it's egg-shaped and dedicated to Mary. Then I walked the twenty blocks to where my bike was parked and did not get caught in a riot (there have been violent riots in Oakland lately over an unjustified police shooting on New Years Eve).
*I invoked The Lady From The Land Of Silence at the CAYA women's full moon circle. She is one of the seven sisters of Hathor, who are kind of like the Fates in the Egyptian pantheon. It was a good ritual for me, mostly because after invoking She of Silence I ignored all the dancing and chanting and stood in the East just humming and doing my own thing, raising energy in stillness. That's how the Silent One does it. It was a good thing for me, since I'd decided the day before to officially withdraw from CAYA so I knew this was my last ritual.
*Today I took Paul and his girlfriend out to breakfast at the cafe for his birthday. That means its been exactly one year since I decided I wanted to live in Berkeley!
*I had the BEST conversation with the pagan MoHo alum book club via conference call, discussing last summer's common read (Caucasia).
*Today while slicing bread at work tonight I decided that if I wanted to have a steady income I could create my own how-to DVD on starting fires with a bow drill. I've been reading "The 4-hour Work Week" by a guy who set up an automated online business and travels around the world having adventures on the profits. I've already decided on goodbush as my camerawoman and web designer, and maybe keaki83 can do a flute soundtrack. I'll pay your way to a pretty place with lots of bigbrush sage -- maybe Joshua Tree?
(Damn, I just googled it and other people have already done it. Mine would be better (naturally!), but the online custormer would go for the cheap version. Never mind.)