A Harry Potter Fic Book Club

May 12, 2004 14:32

Well this morning alchemia posted an entry in her journey and at http://www.livejournal.com/community/hp_fictalk/3317.html and I have been thinking about it all day. I have wanted to find a list or group like this for a long time. It is not only fun to read a fic but to read about what other people think about that same fic. Everyone has their own unique response to a story and it would be fun to share that.

Now I don't have a history in fandom because I have been a very good lurker. So I am out of my element with the procedures of being a mod or owner of a community or list. I think many people would love a group like this that I am willing to give it a try. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

So here are my ideas if anyone is interesting in helping me set something up or offering advice.

My vision is to have one fic a week for discussion. This fic would be announced at least a week before so everyone can have time to read (or reread) the chosen fic and then a week for discussion. Although I expect most of the discussion would be in the first day or two.

I thought the decision for the weeks topic could be through a nomination process where a fic is nominated by a member and seconded by another and then the group votes from the nominated fics. A fic that has been chosen would not be eligible for discussion again for a certain time period like until book six is released.

I think having a variety in the type of fics read is important because I want to learn about things I would not normally read either. So I am suggesting two types of themes. We can have repeating themes and just general themes. We could have a theme for the month that could be based on a similar plots (time travel, mpreg, non-con, AU, etc.) or writing techniques (POV). Within the month we could have a repeating theme of things like a pairing. By this I mean every second week in a month could be Snape/Harry week or Draco/Harry. If the membership was mostly slash I think we should have a het week or vice versa. Since there is 52 weeks for 12 months we could use the four fifth weeks for larger works like a series of related works or focus on one author's total works.

Does this sound good to anyone or am I just nuts?

edit: Of course I'm nuts.
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