cardboard boxes and trash cans

May 19, 2008 22:55

Packing is never fun.  I'm always the fool who either throws everything in a trash bag and hope I can remember which ones hold my clothes and which are actually garbage, or I get tape stuck all over my fingers when trying to shut boxes.

Remember how much stuff you accumulated in your dorm room after one year?  Now times that by 3.5 in a rather larger room with many drawers and closets and you have my current dilemma.

Last week I shipped 5 massive boxes of stuff home with a professional company -- over 250lbs of clothes, shoes, books and DVDs -- and I *still* have more to get through before I can move home next week.  I'm finding things in my desk I haven't seen since 2005!

Keep your fingers crossed I can get all the zippers closed without having to resort to pliers or duct tape...
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