Feb 16, 2006 07:27
So it really sucked being sick all last week and weekend lol I'm almost all better, I still have some congestion/runny nose but almost gone :) The roomie has been sick this week, she is very amusing when she is on Prednisone lol She can't sleep, she has the munchies, and she is really silly. So yeah, very comical last two weeks in the room :)
Clinicals are going awesome. I am starting to feel a lot better with my skills as a nurse, our instructor is really helpful to which really helps. It sucks having to go to the hospital 4x a week though, especially on the weeks where I have night class. Everything happens in the same week which really bites lol My English class is always the same week as the my Med-Surg test and Patho test lol So this week has been very hectic, I'm ready for the weekend :)
I start weeking on Thursday nights at the Y. Shouldn't be too bad, I could use the couple extra buck, and I get to work with Victoria and she is fun :) Saturday's aren't bad either b/c I work with Vernell and then Megan :)
Okay, I need to get ready for class, we are having a test today, oh joy :)
Have a great day and weekend everyone!!! ::muah::