Sep 11, 2004 23:42
wow. new world record for you bitches - minimal sleep for two days. in these two days i've racked up doozie of forty-five minutes. what have i been doing? going mad i tell you. i am so cracked right now holy crap.
crazy is so fun
i went to the webster to see Warrant with andy last night. it was cool cause the webster has it now so that you can be in the underground too, which is neat. i saw some ska bands and it was actually rad. i liked this one band Patent Pending( a mosh pit broke out during the last band, honest to god, mosh pit. haha
i need some sleep so bad, wow.
after work today i went to get my car washed cause jessica told me her team was having a car wash for funds and junk. now she is n-e-a-t-o. she's way popular for me tho and that's pants cause we should be hangin more.
i'm trout cause my bed has been aching for my company.
p.s. i've more become a "phone conversation" person lately. haha