Apr 10, 2005 02:42
I have a new journal, Tried bringing Gorgeous George back to life but he's dead and buried for whatever reason, must've been a knockout punch. . .
Made myself a new one last night, initially because I thought it'd be fun to rag Loola on Richards behalf. Since she counted it fair game to get her friends involved on her side I considered it only fair that I should do the "older brother looking out" routine.
They are so f***ing pathetic it's incredible. . .
I haven't been sleeping and it's really been winding me up. I didn't go to bed till 5 yesterday and 6.30 the day before, and a general time of 4.30 onwards for the last week or so. Think it's because I'm out of work and my brain isn't been expanded so I have no reason to sleep.
Perhaps I should open an underground boxing club. . .Actually getting my arse up the job centre sounds a far better option.