Nov 16, 2012 08:25
I was driving into work on Tuesday and a local hardware store had a commercial where they’re collecting donations for victims of Hurricane Sandy. Then one of the local furniture stores has a commercial that they’ve started their annual drive to collect “gently used” coats for charity. So I’m driving down the road, wondering if I have any gently used coats? And the only one I have that I’d be willing to get rid of is my Starfleet Academy jacket that I haven't worn in a decade and that I’ve been meaning to sell on eBay. And then the big lightbulb goes off over my head.
I don’t really need the money. But I should still auction that jacket off, and give the proceeds to the Red Cross for Hurricane Sandy. It’s a win/win/win. I get this stuff out of my house, someone gets some really cool Christmas presents for their favorite nerd, and hurricane victims get more money funneled into relief efforts.
And now I’m thinking about all those action figures in the Master-Bath-That-Is-A-Closet that I’ve been meaning to auction off on eBay as well. And how I don’t need the money for those either. And then I wonder what other stuff I can dig out of the closet (my wedding gown?) and auction off.
I’ve gotta clean out the closets this weekend and see what I’ve got. I’m kinda excited about this!
life is good,
star trek,
good deeds