Tonight I decided to write up a post while I watched Castle…. Live Blogging the episode under the spoiler cut.
[Spoilers Ahoy] Hee! I love it that Martha knew! Hee hee hee.
That little stick figure in Beckett’s desk drawer? Dollars to donuts it’s a voodoo doll of Castle. Heh.
So, Captain “Iron” Gates collects scary little kewpie dolls? And Castle bribed her with one that she’s been searching for for years? Wonder how long that will last?
OMG, another twin story? What is with Hollywood writers?
Ah! So the brother stole a $4 million dollar pink diamond bracelet. Now we have a motive for murder.
Weird. I wouldn’t have expected Alexis to be upset about her father and Beckett getting together. I always thought she liked Beckett.
Doesn’t Castle have enough sense to stop talking to Beckett about all the hot women that he used to date? No, wait, he has no sense at all. Cancel that.
And now Captain Gates has read Frozen Heat, and loved it?!?!? What the hell. Of course, this can mean only one thing. The bracelet is hidden inside the ugly kewpie doll, and they’re going to have to break it (and break Captain Gate’s heart) to get it back.
Beckett to guy drilling a safe - “Take your hand off your tool Marco!” *Both Ryan and Esposito snigger*
Insurance fraud to avoid bankruptcy. Is that really cause for murder? *iz disappointed in rich people*
Castle - “I so wish I could kiss you right now.”
Beckett - “Yeah, I know.”
OK, cheesey, them standing there talking dirty to each other. And then shaking hands. And how many times do we have to watch these two almost do something they shouldn’t be doing (hug, kiss, whatever) at the precinct? That’s already getting old.
Alexis - “How can you be so smart and so clueless at the same time?”
Castle -“Practice.”
Awwww, Castle checking under the Alexis’s dorm room bed for monsters? *melts*
OMG, I KNEW Castle was going to break the kewpie doll. But I didn’t anticipate him breaking TWO of them (Gates brought one in from home). He is sooooooo never getting back on Gates good side. Ever.
The kid was searching for the one eyed man. *groans*
Castle -“May I?”
Beckett -“Yes.”
Castle (to Beckett) -“Thank you.” (To rich old lady) “I’ve worked a lot of murder cases. Waiting, patiently for the day I could unequivocally exclaim…*turns and points* The Butler did it!”
Ah, a murder to cover up an even older murder. Much better motive. *iz no longer disappointed in the pretty rich old lady*
Beckett (about the little stick figure that her father made for her the day of her mother’s funeral) “He’s a reminder that even on the worst day, there’s the possibility for joy.”