Tuesday - Getting Shit Done

Nov 15, 2016 21:44

Trying to get caught up around the house after being sick and faire and my post-election slump.

Today I:
• Folded and put away a load of clean laundry.
• Finally, after a month of nagging e-mails, I got around to doing my benefits stuff for next year for work. (I needed to dig up the addresses, phone numbers, and social security numbers for my life insurance beneficiaries.)
• I ran another load of laundry when I got home and hung that up to dry. (Yes, buying a new washer/dryer is still on the To Do list.)
• I washed all the dishes in the kitchen sink.
• I finally got around to changing the clocks for Daylight Savings Time. I know, I know, it’s been a week and a half. But I was out running around with fionaniconnor the day I was supposed to change them. My phone, computer, and DVR all changed themselves, I just never got around to getting the non-internet connected clocks changed until tonight.
• I not only took my vitamins and meds, but I ate both fruits and vegetables today. I need to make a change from my mostly bread and dairy diet and start treating my body a little better.

getting shit done

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