Apr 16, 2016 21:08
I’m finally caught up on Live Journal after getting terribly behind again this week. Sorry I’ve been scarce around here folks, but I’ve been spending way too much time over on Facebook reading long threads on the alumni group as we all process the sex scandal at my alma mater.
*sighs* We’re now up to three teachers during my tenure at the school who were caught involved in sexual shenanigans with students (two with female students, one with males). And every new revelation is like a kick in the gut. And brings up feelings from the other two revelations. I had class with one of the teachers, the other was my faculty advisor, and the third was unknown to me. But all three were on campus during my high school years.
I’ve been up until midnight almost every night this week reading alumni comments on FB. It’s oddly comforting to re-connect with so many people that I went to school with (because so far much of the commentary has been from alums who were directly affected by the faculty involved in the scandal, and the incidents so far all took place during the late 70s/early 80s). I finally got eight hours of sleep last night, and woke up this morning with what felt like a sleep hangover. Which didn’t stop me from having an unexpected nap in the Comfy Chair this afternoon as I tried to get caught up on LJ.
I think tonight needs to be another early to bed night.