Mar 05, 2016 07:52
No wonder I’m so exhausted right now. Lotta emotionally draining stuff going on lately.
Last Friday - Find out my ex mother-in-law had died right before Thanksgiving.
Sunday - Stay up too late watching the Oscars.
Monday - Phone screen (rescheduled).
Tuesday - Super Tuesday, Phone Screen (actual).
Wednesday - Job Interview #1.
Thursday - Job Interview #2.
Friday - only day this week without something stressful going on, just anticipation for…
Today - Big Honking Birthday That Ends In A Zero.
Also, nothing makes you feel unloved like finding out that even though you’ve attended a small reenacting event (40 people) for two years and helped in the kitchen and took and posted tons of photos both times, nobody thought to put you on the invite list for this year’s event. That went live six weeks ago. =(
(And yes, I’ve got my invite now. But I had to ask for it, and that still feels terrible. Because being forgotten sucks. )
Happy Birthday to me.
state of the squire,
state of the technical writer,
moody blues,
its ma birfday